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My experience living alone


Living alone is a stage of adult life, many of us dream about this since we were little, we think that living alone will be very fun and that we will have less responsibility, since we can do what we want without anyone telling us anything, but in reality it is very difficult and we get exhausted too quickly.

My experience began when I had to live alone for 6 months for studies, I felt very excited and I believed that I would do everything well, I always wanted to live alone, but adult life came to give me a blow of reality. The first week was to organize, I wanted everything to be perfect, order the schedules as best as possible and I had my puppy Pinky, he would accompany me.

My routine was to cook breakfast and lunch at 4 in the morning, then I would walk Pinky before going to class, in the afternoon I would return to walk Pinky and feed him. The afternoons were very hard for me, since sometimes I arrived at 7:40 at night, and when I arrived I felt very tired, not in the mood to cook, so I didn't eat and studied for the next day.

After a few weeks I had no energy! I cleaned on Saturdays and Sundays. The house was a disaster! I had dirty clothes everywhere and the kitchen was out of the question, I'm sorry to admit it, but these are the beginnings of my adult life!

Sometimes I looked at everything I had to clean and got depressed, I didn't know where to start. I also had a lot of things to study! The place where I was staying was not very big, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, the living room and the kitchen, but when I had to clean it felt like it was a mansion! Ha ha ha.

I also took Saturdays to buy food, I'm a shopping fan, that's why I had to measure myself in what I bought, I didn't have much money, I could be left without a ticket to university or without food. I saw cookies as a luxury, I could only buy them every 15 days. Dog food is not that economical, so I stopped buying something to ensure it.

I didn't know what cleaning products to buy, I only used what my mom bought, however, there were a lot of products! So I had to ask which one was the best!

When I felt very tired, Pinky would put his head on my leg, as if he knew how I felt.

I don't like the dark, unfortunately, several times the light went out at night, to cope with that I would leave the room, sit in the living room and hug Pinky until the light came back. I felt like a scared child, even though I know I'm an adult, so I had to behave like one, but it was very difficult.

I thought that by living alone I would have a social life and it was the opposite, my thought was my baby Pinky and that I wanted to rest in my quiet house. I was very tired, I hardly slept, I had no energy or time for that, the only thing I did without fail was put on makeup and get ready to go out.

I was able to spend my six months living alone, it was hard and it made me value more what our parents do for us. I remembered when I would come home from school and my mom would have the food ready and I didn't have to prepare anything! It's weird, but we learn to value things more when we don't have it.

But it was a difficult and pleasant experience, I know that I can live alone and that I can overcome all the challenges that come my way.

How was your experience living alone for the first time?

I hope you liked this article! Bye bye.