Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #3

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This is my entry for the 'Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #3' contest by @hhguild. If you want to participate in this challenge.

👉 Here's the link: @hhguild/henthusiasts-lets-raid-terracore-3-feel-the-fearsome-power-of-a-terra-rist

Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #3

This is week 3 of the contest 'Let's Raid Terracore! #3'. I was waiting for this contest and here I am ready to take participate in it. This is really fun to join this contest and try to make a good score.

In this challenge, we need to use 8 attacks consecutively and add rolls of all 8 battles. This time I tried my best to get a good score. Let's see how much score I got this time. I saved 8 attacks just to use all attacks at once. In the evening I got free time and used all my 8 attacks.

Luckily I got good loot from all the attacks. My lowest roll from these 8 attacks is 24.07% which is much lower but still not too low and my highest roll is 90.41% which is too good for me. Sometimes our attacks get dodged, but luckily this didn't happen. Also, I have good Critical Hit. So, it might not happen.

Now, Let's add the rolls of all attacks.
85.37 + 89.90 + 44.19 + 90.41 + 45.02 + 40.88 + 35.26 + 24.07 = 431.03

So, I got a total of 431.03 rolls out of 800 rolls. This one seems really good roll, It's rare to get that much score, but his time I managed to score 400+ rolls. I used the Terracorehub feature 'Attack and Claim' to do my attacks.

My Today's Terracore Activity

Today I used all my SCRAP tokens to increase my Critical Hit. Now I have really good Critical Hit, ultimately my attacks became much stronger. I am trying to claim rewards from time to time. My Win SCRAP percentage is 69.76% which is close to 70%. So, it's not that bad. However, I will try to make it 75% or higher.

Here, I shared a screenshot of my game stats. Today I increased my Favor which helped me to increase my Crit Hit and now my Crit Hit is 8.037%. My other stats are not that good and I will increase it soon.

Keep playing and have fun. Thank you...

Check the official Terracore guide for extra information: https://cryptognome.gitbook.io/terracore/

Related Post:

If you want to join Terracore, you can join with my referral link.
My Referral Link: https://www.terracoregame.com/?ref=catharsis


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