Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #2

This is my entry for the 'Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #2' contest by @hhguild. If you want to participate in this challenge.

šŸ‘‰ Here's the link: @hhguild/henthusiasts-lets-raid-terracore-2-the-journey-of-a-terra-rist

Henthusiasts, Let's Raid Terracore! #2

The challenge is to use 8 attacks consecutively. Then we have to add all rolls of the 8 attacks. So, from yesterday I saved my attacks to use all 8 attacks at once. Today I got a chance to use all 8 attacks at once, then I did all attacks. Here is my battle log of all 8 consecutive attacks.

My battle went well, but not that good. My lowest role from 8 consecutive attacks is 8.59% which is too low. Nonetheless, I am delighted that none of my attacks were dodged by opponents; otherwise, the roll for that attack would have been 0% šŸ˜….

Let's add the rolls of all attacks.
37.54 + 76.01 + 40.82 + 35.37 + 11.73 + 79.78 + 48.87 + 8.59 = 330.12

So, I got a total roll of 330.12 out of 800. This is a poor performance of mine. I tried, but it's all ok. I will try next time.

My Today's Terracore Activity.

Today I spent 99 SCRAP tokens to increase my Stash Size. Ultimately my Dodge percentage will get increased which will help me to defend against attacks.

Sometimes, I forget to claim. Hence, my Win SCRAP percentage is low and it's reduced in the last few weeks. My Win SCRAp percentage is 67.125 and my Lost SCRAP percentage is 32.85%. I need to focus on it as well, otherwise it may go further down.

Keep playing and have fun. Thank you...

Check the official Terracore guide for extra information: https://cryptognome.gitbook.io/terracore/

Related Post:

If you want to join Terracore, you can join with my referral link.
My Referral Link: https://www.terracoregame.com/?ref=catharsis


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