ESSAY CONTEST - Project Life Cycle - BIG PRIZES!

From our pre-announcement post, it has taken slightly longer than I anticipated to get this post out, but here it is - a HIVE-wide contest about 'projects'. You can (and should) read that introductory preamble if you want to get some more idea about what sorts of things I am thinking about on the topic.

Sponsored by dCity, HiQ and PIMP communities!


Without drawing it out too much, let me list the requirements for participating:

CONTEST! (rules)

  1. Deadline: July 9th, 2024

  2. Required Tag for entry posts: #lifecycle

  3. Choose one of the theme guidelines listed below

That's it! Write a post before July 9th, use the tag and check the next section for the theme guidelines. I hope to see a lot of entries, let's talk about the theme.

Theme guidelines:

Valuing Projects over their Lifecycles, Owner/Founder responsibility to 'community', new vs old ideas.

We have a main theme, as outlined in the pre-announcement post, but it is quite broad and depending on where you are coming from, possibly vague. So I took some time to divide this contest into three types of entries:

1. Value Analysis on your own project

As we are coming out of the most recent winter season, it can seem that almost everyone left around here has their own project. Its not quite so extreme in reality, but it can feel this way. For this section, I hope that different project managers can feel open to honestly analyze their own projects and efforts within a 'lifecycle' framework.

I will be taking the opportunity to evaluate several of my own projects in this category, so at least participants will have someone to compete with.

2. Comparative Analysis on two or more different projects

Another type of user may have experienced different projects over time going through different phases of the lifecycle, also sometimes referred to as 'hype cycle'. Using the concepts outlined in the pre-announcement post, participants should evaluate different projects critically (and constructively), based on their own experience. Bonus points for lessons learned from experience shared with us all.

3. Meta analysis of themes with various project examples

The big themes of new versus old projects, founder or developer responsibilities (and rewards?) and the general lifecycle that projects move through reveal very interesting possibilities for discussion. Participants should use more than one project to dig into these discussion points, with favor given to those entries which find something interesting or edifying to say about these topics.

Rewards and Prize Pool:

25k Staked PIMP, 1 million SIM tokens, 100 HIVE, 500 HIQs tokens, grand prize dCity collection and several smaller dCity viable cities have been donated to the prize pool; we are still willing to add some prizes to the pool, but there are other ways to help.

Obviously, making a post opens up the opportunity to apply more rewards through voting and curation, some of which shall surely be granted by the voters across the platform on the original post. But we will also have multiple opportunities to "submit" your post link in a comment, which will also be voteable and a valid way to distribute additional rewards for participants.

We do allow multiple entries to be submitted per user, make sure to use the tag and write as many articles as you want.

Deadline July 9th

After the deadline, no new submissions will be allowed, but we will take some days to organize the approved submissions and then enter a judging period, where we will determine winners for each theme category and distribute the prizes, including the ones announced in this post from our sponsors: dCity, HiQs and PIMP.

Questions, comments or concerns? Let me know in the comments below! I look forward to reviewing all entries, and even participating myself.

Freedom and Friendship

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