Parasite at the Disco Light - More Monster of Disco

After a break of two months, I returned to Spotify for Podcasters today, where I talked for a brief 5 minutes or so about my new project, a children's book titled: "The Monster of Disco, as mentioned in my two previous posts The M of D and The M of D - Pole Dancing vs Break Dancing.

Today I felt pretty ( and ) inspired.

I had fun sitting outside, at a pick-nick table near an unused church, in the pre-rain breeze, slowly sipping hot coffee from my new awesome 1.2 liter thermos flask ( brought to you by... my twin sister, who gifted it to me, two days ago ) and penning down my thoughts as well as having fun coloring and drawing disco monsters.

Then, just before leaving that inspiring little spot, I recorded the aforementioned podcast episode, where I talk about this fun new colorful project of mine and possible upcoming changes, like setting up a Patreon page for further support on my creative journey.

If you want to listen to this brief talk of mine ( or earlier episodes ), here's a link:

Oh and if you're wondering about the title of this write up, Parasite at the Disco Light popped up in my head as a nice little wordplay based on the earworm of a song by Meat Loaf, that most people have likely heard of.

I was thinking of how The Monster of Disco, while pole dancing, got in a serious flow and how its energy attracted all kinds of other, low energy, monsters, who felt like parasitising on the monster of disco's energy.

I then pictures a li'l monster on the disco ball. I am sure I will draw that fellow one of these days.


A storm is a-brewing... I am looking forward to some much needed rain.

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