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Diarrhea of a Creative - Part 1 - Play with Clay


Yes, I do know how to spell diary, but 'creative diarrhea' is an actual expression and I tend to push out different creative stuff on an almost daily basis, so this felt fitting as the title for a possible blog series.

Created some clay art, yesterday, while sitting at a picknick table in my local park at a stone's throw away from my appartment.

I was waiting for two people who were about to show up 'later'. The later eventually lasted 4 hours ( welcome to Portugal! ). So, instead of 'waiting', I brought a block of modeling clay and a lot of other stuff, including lunch, to do everything but kill the time and actually wait.

Playing around with (this) clay, for the first time in ages, and getting my hands dirty was a nice feeling.

NOTE TO SELF: I should do this more often!

Meanwhile, my bare feet

not bear feet, they aren't that hairy, I'm not a hobbit

were planted in the grass, underneath the table.

I had no plan of what to make, beforehand,
which is pretty much how I usually create,
and ended up creating exactly that, first - a hand.

I also had no plan, after hand

and then ended up creating two feet.

Or maybe I started with those feet?

No matter what, I didn't know before hand.


Don't ask me why, but this gives me somewhat of a Bigfoot vibe.
Or actually more like little foot, as these feet are tiny ( check the size of the leaves next to them ( those aren't big leaves either )

And here's a zoom out to break the fourth wall and give you an actual idea of the size of the hand and foot/leg.

clay zoom out.jpg

When I shared some of these pictures with @clareartista , with whom I communicate a lot about the creative process, I decided to call this scene

"What the **** happened here?"

unfortunately you already know what happened here.

I created all this from clay, with my bare hands and some water.

It's not like this is the start of a clay micro zombie apocalypse.

Or is it?

Talking about getting my hands dirty and not even using any tools, I feel it's extra important, these days, with AI trying to take over art and the rest of the world, to create actual art, WITH OUR HANDS ( and not by pressing buttons and letting this so called 'intelligence' do the 'work' ), increasing the gap between us and art and zombifying our brains even more.

I feel an even stronger urge now, to create more with my hands, to spend even more time outdoors ( instead of staring at screens ) and to keep the discussion around art going, not just with Clare and other creatives, but also by those of you who have forgotten what art is, by means of my podcast.


Oh and if you haven't already, you might want to start out by listening to my podcast: The Life of Hypersensitivosaurus, where I share the chaotic, unpredictable and natural creative process and all its baby steps, in as honest and imperfect a way as possible.

In my last episode I talk to Clare and she replies to me, which later inspired her to record another episode of her amazing podcast 'The Art of Life'.

You can find out more about that/ listen to Clare's story in her post: Unlocking the Divine Purpose of Our Art - My Journey with Books

22% of the payout on this post will go to Clare for inspiring me and further unlocking my creativity :<)