[Eng/Esp] Keeping Friendship on a good side for Long period // Mantener la amistad durante mucho tiempo

Friendship is one of the things which u cherish most in life and there are lot of things that is bounded by friendship which must always be met and this is one of the reason why most have lost precious people who are very dear to them because they couldn't keep a nice friendship. Checking through my phone, i was able to see pictures of my friends that we have taken picture together and i can still find them on my phone till now even checking it brought smile to my face and i remembered all those period we spent together even distance is present now but that doesn't stop the way we use to do.


How did this friendship last

It is not a new thing seeing somen friendship crumble within short period of time and they went back from being good friend to strangers, it is normal for a friendship to have ups and down because things won't go smoothly every time between the two parties as they won't have to be on the good side everyday but that is the area where most friend don't get it, they believe once there is issue or fight between the two, it shows they don't like eachother but for a friendship to have greater bond and better friendship there must surely be fight and the way and approach of settling it makes the friendship more significant and more love to be present.

Better friendship

The picture is showing myself and one of my close friend which we did primary education together and we lost contact since then but immediately after secondary school we were able to meet through attending same church and immediately we bonded and things continue going as it was before even though we don't use to be soft with each other but even at that we never allowed anything cause issue that we won't be able to settle.

When something happen we try to call eachother attention to it and we find a way to settle it. Friendship over a long period of time really pays because you would have known how both can approach and settle things. Keeping valuable friendship really matters a lot because i am still enjoying lots of benefits as friends now.



La amistad es una de las cosas que más aprecio en la vida y hay un montón de cosas que está limitado por la amistad que siempre debe cumplirse y esta es una de las razones por las que la mayoría han perdido personas preciosas que son muy queridos para ellos porque no podían mantener una buena amistad. Revisando mi telefono, pude ver fotos de mis amigos que nos habiamos fotografiado juntos y todavia puedo encontrarlas en mi telefono hasta ahora incluso revisandolas me trajo una sonrisa a la cara y recordé todos esos periodos que pasamos juntos incluso la distancia esta presente ahora pero eso no detiene la forma en que soliamos hacerlo.

How did this friendship last

No es nada nuevo ver como una amistad se desmorona en un corto periodo de tiempo y pasan de ser buenos amigos a extraños, es normal que una amistad tenga altibajos porque las cosas no van a ir siempre bien entre las dos partes ya que no tienen que estar en el lado bueno todos los días, pero esa es el área donde la mayoría de los amigos no lo entienden, pero para que una amistad tenga un mayor vinculo y una mejor amistad sin duda debe haber peleas y la forma y el enfoque de resolverlas hace que la amistad sea mas significativa y que haya mas amor presente.

Mejor amistad

La foto muestra a uno de mis mejores amigos y a mi, hicimos la escuela primaria juntos y perdimos el contacto desde entonces, pero inmediatamente después de la escuela secundaria pudimos encontrarnos en la misma iglesia e inmediatamente nos unimos y las cosas siguen yendo como antes, a pesar de que no solíamos ser suaves el uno con el otro, pero incluso en eso nunca permitimos que nada causara problemas que no pudiéramos resolver.
Cuando pasa algo, intentamos llamar la atención del otro y encontramos la manera de solucionarlo. La amistad durante un largo período de tiempo realmente vale la pena porque habrías sabido cómo ambos pueden abordar y resolver las cosas. Mantener una amistad valiosa es muy importante porque ahora sigo disfrutando de muchos beneficios co

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