Memories of the boy I once was

We've all had that moment, moments when we experienced the beauty of life as teenagers, or children... whichever you choose to call it. We found solace in the present and cared less about the future.

About 10 years ago, I was just a high school student surfing through life and exploring the boundaries of the universe. I and my friends (pictured below) were the closest and tightest cliques in our school. You couldn't talk of friendship without refering to us.

We had no plans about what the future held in store for us, we were just interested in the euphoria of the present. We threw some silly dark jokes at ourselves and gave one another nicknames. Sometimes we would pull some funny pranks on our teachers, triggering laughter from other students around us.

Those days, life seemed so simple. I mean, nothing bothered my spirit. Ever had this feeling that life was a boat of fun? Well, I did get that feeling . Perhaps it was because of the friends I had around me, or the freedom I acquired during school hours... something I'd describe as "Youthful exuberance"

This was a picture of me with my two closest friends.

All I can remember is the memories that flood my mind, memories of the games we played, and the smiles that embraced our faces. Life seemed so fun and cool. There was no worries, no thought about the future. We just lived our lives in the present.

I never thought I would ever find myself in this age. An age where the thought to survive and become a better person engrosses my mind, a stage where I think of making an impact on the lives of people around me.

Taking a look back at my childhood, I remember those moments like it was today and I'm really glad I passed through that phase. It Was a privilege to experience childhood because if not for them, I wouldn't have anything to remember or laugh about. It would seem as though a piece of me were missing.

I guess our past isn't entirely independent of our future. It's part of those things that makes us who we are. As a matter of fact, our past are memories; if we all had no past, there would be no memory to remember, if our past meant nothing, then the word "throwback" wouldn't exist.

I miss the freedom and innocence that I had back then. All I did was eat, laugh, crack jokes and engage in some mischievous activities. This cycle just went on and on.

This is me today

Years into the future, I got admission to study at college and yes, I can say that I'm happy I experienced that phase of fun and innocence, because now, I'm not presented with the time and opportunity to live the life I once lived, or do the things I once did.

I guess as we grow, we all tend to view life from a different perspective and lose interest in the things that meant a whole lot to us when we were younger.

I miss the good old days — it's something I'll always remember.

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