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My last moment in the month of May

Hey guys it's another Thursday, ready for the throwback I guess 馃憤, oh I guess it's not too late to say happy new month guys 馃帀, it's important to appreciate every single day we see, Indeed it's never by our power.

Well, back to the throwback, I titled my today's throwback "THROWBACK ON MY LAST MOMENTS IN THE MONTH OF MAY". Yeah we're in a new month and I know we all have special moments we experienced in the previous month that we'd love to keep as special memories, well it was my last moment in that month and I think it's worth remembering.

Before I proceed, it's a custom in my church for us to hold a vigil on the last Friday of every month, and last month ended on a Friday, so we held a vigil on that Friday. The vigil is mostly characterized with activities like praise and worship, testimonies and stuff like that, the praise section is usually vigorous just like a celebration, this is because we believe its like being victorious over the hard situations we faced in the outgoing month.

In the vigil, I was astonished at someone's presentation, quite alright children were asked to present songs and drama just as usual, but there was this little boy that also presented a song and I loved his boldness and courage that i had to record his presentation.

The vigil was a great one and at the end of the vigil we were already in the month of June, all glory to God.


Hola chicos, es otro jueves, listos para el retroceso, supongo 馃憤, oh, supongo que no es demasiado tarde para decir feliz mes nuevo chicos 馃帀, es importante apreciar cada d铆a que vemos. De hecho, nunca es por nuestro poder.

Bueno, volviendo al retroceso, titul茅 el retroceso de hoy "REGRESO A MIS 脷LTIMOS MOMENTOS DEL MES DE MAYO". S铆, estamos en un nuevo mes y s茅 que todos tenemos momentos especiales que experimentamos el mes anterior y que nos encantar铆a conservar como recuerdos especiales. Bueno, fue mi 煤ltimo momento de ese mes y creo que vale la pena recordarlo.

Antes de continuar, es costumbre en mi iglesia realizar una vigilia el 煤ltimo viernes de cada mes, y el mes pasado termin贸 en viernes, por lo que realizamos una vigilia ese viernes. La vigilia se caracteriza principalmente por actividades como alabanza y adoraci贸n, testimonios y cosas as铆, la secci贸n de alabanza suele ser vigorosa como una celebraci贸n, esto se debe a que creemos que es como salir victoriosos de las situaciones dif铆ciles que enfrentamos en el mes saliente.

En la vigilia qued茅 asombrado por la presentaci贸n de alguien, muy bien se les pidi贸 a los ni帽os que presentaran canciones y drama como siempre, pero hab铆a un ni帽o que tambi茅n present贸 una canci贸n y me encant贸 su audacia y coraje que tuve que grabar su presentaci贸n. .
La vigilia fue grande y al terminar la vigilia ya est谩bamos en el mes de junio, toda gloria a Dios.

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