Lakeside Low Flight Around the Banks

Some fishermen waving at me, they actually stopped to talk when I was setting up to launch, as they were really keen to try paramotors themselves some day. They asked me to buzz them at there dock during my flight.
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The rest of this lake or reservoir is excellent to fly as there are no houses near the water so you can fly low and not bother anyone.
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A lot of sections had nice grass along the mud banks, you could land anywhere for a break if you wanted. I getting close to sundown and wanted to loop the lake, so I kept flying.
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near the end, lots of shallow pools and mud as I looped back down along the other side back to my launch site.
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Just a few docks along the way people obviously use for fishing here.
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A few inlets and just a couple km back to my truck.
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What a great flight!

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