📷 Shore of Lake Song-Köl

This picturesque picture is the place where a stream from the Tien Shan mountains, or more precisely from the Moldo Too ridge, flows into Song-Köl Lake, Kyrgyzstan. Being on the ground, I would not even think that from the air this place would be so beautiful.

Lake Song-Köl (also spelled Son-Kul', Song-Kul or Sonkel') is a alpine lake located at an altitude of just over 3000 m above sea level, surrounded by mountain ranges to the south and north, and is the largest freshwater lake in the country.

It is better to come there by 4WD car, the road is gravel, although not bad in general, and in May, when I was there, 4WD is mandatory, since there can still be snow from time to time. As you can see in the photo, the ice on the surface of the lake has not yet completely melted.

There are quite a lot of such streams flowing down from the mountains into Song-Köl lake. If you look at this photo more closely, you will see that there are many of the winding thin lines along the shore — the stream beds. But this place turned out to be especially picturesque. You can see how much more colorful and green the land is in this area. I would like to visit this lake in the summer, to see what the surroundings look like when all traces of winter have ended. We'll see, maybe I'll come there again :)

It's better to watch the photo in high resolution.

Camera: DJI Mavic 3 Pro

You can also see my photos in my blog LJ and in my profile on RTraveler. You also can read a short interview with me here.

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