Shots from the sky | 4 | Lefkas seas in one minute

Summer was ending and finally it was time to empty out the drone from its images. Because editting...yeah it takes some time. Not the editting itself it the issue. With the quite naturally working 'Videoproc Vlogger' the editting gets easier and easier even though you don't have a lot of experience in it.

Better when working with it, I don't really know why it took me so many months to start working on the images from the island of Lefkas in Greece. Because doing something with the images, takes you back to the place. And the region of Lefkas is a beautiful one to hoover around in.

That is the beauty of sailing around here. Your boat takes you to a different harbour, a different island, a different anchorage every day, and it feels like you are on a roadtrip on the water. There is no rush, there is no deadline, the only thing I don't really like is sailing in the dark so we make sure we don't have to. And that is super easy in the Lefkas region, as all island are very close to each other and there is no reason to doing something overnight.

The region is known for that it has pretty steady winds in summer time. Not because of wind coming from the sea, but because the clouds build up above the mountains on the main land, sucking the air towards the clouds to make thunderstorms. Et voila, you have a steady wind which gets stronger in the afternoon. The perfect region to go sailing in.

While others have enough experience to make images with their drone while sailing, I didn't feel comfortable enough to do that as yet. The first reason is that we had recently drowned a drone before in the water. And also because our sailing skills were not that good as yet, so we needed all focus on the water to keep the boat from doing stupid stuff. Hence, no actually sailing images, but only images from later on the day. Working on this one to get more of this happening, because I love a good video of a boat in motion. (but I also love to drone to be alive and kicking and drown again instantly)

Shots were made with the DJI mini pro, the images were editted with the free software Videoproc Vlogger and music is by Burial-Raver. And I love the fact that Ecency now has the option to integrate 3speak videos in your posts, which also makes life a lot easier.


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