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Unga Island Alaska

Hello Drone Community,


We have moved again and are getting close to Kodiak Island. But today, I want to show you Unga Island. We motored a lot to get here and, in fact, had both engines on since we have such a dirty hull that we are really moving slowly. But this shall soon be fixed, as the further we head up north, the bigger the tides, this means we can just set the boat on the sand and wait for the tide. Then, when the tide goes out, we can clean the boat. Easy... very easy, actually.


Enough of that. Unga Island has a population of... 1. Yep, one lonely old man lives on the island. I say lonely, but I think he's enjoying the solitary confinement. He's the caretaker of an abandoned cannery, which is now a museum/storage unit/dump. Museum because the whole cannery has collected antiques from ships and other places—some things easily worth thousands. Storage unit because the owner keeps collecting things and has everything you can think of. I mean EVERYTHING. Dump because it seems fishermen dumped complete boats and left them to rust on the beach.


This is one side of the bay. The other side is filled with containers you can see in the picture below. Well, this used to be a huge mining operation and therefore has vehicles lying around. Again, so much abandoned stuff everywhere. The bulldozer nearly started, but it didn’t; otherwise, this would be a different story. Otherwise, the sunsets were amazing, and the salmon are running, which was an amazing sight.


I hope you enjoyed this little blog. Thank you for all the support on my posts.

This weekly drone contest is going on, so feel free to join the drone community.


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