Adventure in Castro do Zambujal🚩🧭🚙 (En-Es)

Hello adventurous friends and Drone lovers, today I have a very special post, we are going to visit some archaeological ruins in the city of Torres Vedras north of Lisbon and we will learn much more about European culture and the evolution of civilizations in this area. It is located one kilometer from the Lizandro River, in turn the river was important to sustain the village for hundreds of years, don't miss my adventure!🚩🫅🏻🌍

Hola amigos aventureros y amantes de los Drones, hoy traigo un post bastante especial vamos a visitar unas ruinas arqueologicas en la ciudad de Torres Vedras al norte de Lisboa y aprenderemos mucho mas sobre la cultura Europea y sobre la evolucion de las civilizaciones en esta zona que se ubica a un kilometro del rio Lizandro a su vez el rio fue importante para sustentar la aldea por cientos de anos, no te pierdas mi aventura! 🌎🌲

Where we located the Castro do Zambujal🧭 / Donde ubicamos el Castro do Zambujal🌍🚩

To get to the archaeological site, just reach the following coordinates: (39° 04′ 28″ N, 9° 17′ 09″ W) we can only do it by vehicle or by doing some trails from a nearby village, normally they are between 6-10km That's why a whole adventure awaits you, piloting the drone here is allowed and you don't require a permit if you respect the ANAC rules, the best height of the year to visit is in spring since in summer the temperatures are quite high.🌍🚩
Para llegar al sitio arqueologico basta con llegar a las siguientes coordenadas: (39° 04′ 28″ N, 9° 17′ 09″ O) lo podemos unicamente hacer con vehiculo o haciendo algunos senderos desde alguna aldea cercana normalmente estan entre 6-10km por eso te espera toda una aventura, pilotear el drone aqui es permitido y no requieres permiso si respetas las reglas de la ANAC, la mejor altura del ano para visitarlo es en primavera ya que en verano las temperaturas son bastante altas.🚙🧭

Valley view🧭 / Vista del valle🌍🚩



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This is the view of the valley that was baptized as: "Sizandro" whose name also comes from a reference to the Lizandro River, five thousand years ago the characteristics of the terrain were very different, it was full of rivers, and nearby there was a bay produced by the sea, was very rich in biodiversity and there were abundant rabbits, deer, among other animals that were used for hunting. These resources and the location of the village allowed human settlement without the need to be nomadic.🌍🚩
Esta es la vista del valle que fue bautizado como : "Sizandro" cuyo nombre tambien viene de referencia al rio Lizandro, hace cinco mil anos las caracteristicas del terreno eran muy diferentes, esto estaba lleno de rios, y cerca habia una bahia producida por el mar, era muy rico en biodiversidad y abundaban conejos, venados, entre otros animales que se usaron para la caza. Estos recursos y la localizacion del aldea permitio el asentamiento humano sin necesidad de ser nomadas

5000 years of history🧭 / 5000 anos de historia🌍🚩







path inside the village🌍

Summarizing the history of the place, the first human settlements were in 2850 BC and the first village was built until 2700, then the first reform of the place was carried out by adding two columns, this was in 2600, one hundred years later! Then in 2500 the last work of the first generation was done in Castro Zambujal, some circles were added that served as protection to use defensive tools such as spears.🧭🌏👩‍🏫

Resumiendo la historia del lugar los primeros asentamientos humanos fueron en el 2850 antes de cristo y edificaron la primera aldea hasta el 2700, a seguir se procedio a la primera reforma del lugar anadiendo dos columnas esto fue en el 2600 cien anos despues! luego en el 2500 se hace la ultima obra de la primera generacion en Castro Zambujal se anaden unos circulos que sirvieron como proteccion para utilizar herramientas defensivas como lanzas.🧑🏻‍🏫


Entering the second phase of habitat and construction were in 2400 BC and lasted until 200, in total 400 years of improvements in fortification, finally we reached the Bronze Age this period included between 1900 to 1750 here civilization advances enough and the valley begins to be disputed between other towns, remains of arrowheads and other war materials are obtained, from here towards the front the village stops having much historical importance since we leave European prehistory aside!🧭🚙
entrando a la segunda fase de habitat y construccion fueron en el 2400 antes de cristo y duro hasta el 200, en total 400anos de mejoras en la fortificacion, por ultimo llegamos a la edad de bronce este periodo comprendio entre 1900 al 1750 aqui la civilizacion avanza bastante y se comienza a disputar el valle entre otros pueblos, se consiguen restos de puntas de flechas y otros materiales de guerra, desde aqui hacia el frente la aldea deja de tener mucha importancia historica ya que dejamos aun lado la prehistoria europea!🚩🌲

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Let's meet the archers🧭 /Conozcamos los arqueros🌍🚩

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This area corresponds to a pillar which had an opening in the middle, it was reinforced in the Chalcolithic, and served as refuge in times of war with other tribes. In addition, it was also a place where the archer could capture larger prey without being detected. Currently the pillars are destroyed and cannot be seen in detail, but we can see it here in the photo I took.🚩🚙
esta zona corresponde como un pilar el cual tenia una abertura en el medio, fue reforzada en el calcolitico, y sirvio para refugiarse en momentos de guerras con otras tribus, ademas tambien fue un lugar donde el arquero podia capturar presas de mayor tamano sin ser detectado, actualmente estan destruidos los pilares y no se consiguen apreciar con detalle, pero lo podemos ver aqui en la foto que tire.🌍🧭

Inside a cabin🧭 /Dentro de una cabana🌍🚩

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The cabins were 3-7 meters in circular size, normally made with stone that was extracted in the area, in some metallurgy was practiced while in others they were only a place of rest and relaxation for the residents, some had stone chimneys that helped to keep the heat inside and or work on the metal!🌎🚙

Las cabanas eran de 3-7 metros de tamano circular, normalmente realizadas con piedra que era extraida en la zona, en algunas se practico la metalurgia mientras en otras eran solo lugar de descanso y reposo de los pobladores, algunas tenian chimeneas de piedra que ayudaban a mantener el calor dentro y o trabajar en el metal!🏡🏡



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If we want to learn about the peninsular military architecture of the third century then Castro do Zambujal is the best representation, there are few structures like these from that time that are in such good condition! That is why it is of so much interest to scientists.🌎🧭

Si queremos aprender sobre la arquitectura militar peninsular del tercer siglo entonces Castro do Zambujal es la mejor representacion, pocos son las estructuras como estas de esa epoca que estan en tan buenas condiciones! por eso tiene tanto interes para los cientificos🚩🌲


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