Red Dead Redemption 2... Feels Fantastic!

Hello there,

Red Dead Redemption 2, I completed this game 3 times and was limited to story mode only with the least side quests. But I don't know why even after going through the story entirely, I am hooked to the ambience of this game. Similarly, I played Death Stranding for nature's ambience but nothing beats Red Dead Redemption 2. I often see @pravesh0 bhai's blogs about his experience with the hunter game and this inspired me to catch The Red Dead 2 similarly.

These days I generally see games that are sometimes half-baked or modelled on modern concepts. The metallic city, metallic sound effects, honking, and modern slang, feel repetitive in almost every game. And that's where rdr 2 offers its vibrant music, coupled with natural ambiance, eye-soothing graphics, and candid experience.

I am not focusing on the storyline this time although I completed the bare minimum story to unlock horses, side missions, and map. I will be covering side quests first available in each chapter and then will focus on the storyline if no side quests are left. I finished chapter 3 and started this blog series a little late, but I will capture the rest of its beauty and document it here.

To get the spooky feeling, I sleep till night and then start roaming around the map to break into houses, steal wagons, or come across pretty weird things.

I came to know that workers work even in the night. In the dark, without light, this person was hammering nails.

Just before sunrise while roaming valentines I captured this view, the train passing, whistling sound from a distance. And while I was taking this picture, I saw the O'Driscoll gang and thought to just play a little with them. I am taking revenge for Dutch!

I cleared them out, loot was not significant but got some medicine cure and a few canned vegetables and repeaters.

Here comes the sun! Good morning everyone! The best in-game time where the scenery is just amazing-perfect! One can find the gang by looking at the smoke from their campfire to locate them.

Geographic diversity in Red Dead 2. From dense canopy forests to snowy mountains! And that volumetric cloud!

At times it feels realistic when seen from a distance. The new camp is located here and to take a shortcut I often have to ride my boat, yes my Arabian-four leg boat!

While entering the camp I took this capture and with the same, I wrap up this blog as well!

If you want to buy RDR 2, a nice offer is there on epic games and one can buy it for as little as 800 Indian rupees with applicable discounts.


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Red Dead Redemption 2

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