One of the most handsome videogames I ever played


Hello and welcome to a new post from yours truly.

A happy new year to all the Hive community, I'm back to posting some of the games I'm playing, it's my first post here and it's also my first post in a long time so I'll be quick.

I don't usually play too many video games, when I see one that I like and it has replayability I can spend months playing it, it's something that has happened to me with Hollow Knight

it's a game that many know that I'm sure, among my friends was one of the most talked about for its beauty, how quiet it can be to explore in their world and how good it feels.


I'm going to leave some pictures I took from my second game, I already completed the game once but I felt I had done it too fast, so I decided to wipe the slate clean to savor a little more the beginning and the early stages of the game.


is all a mystery in those first minutes, we set out to explore a cave next to a ghost town for no apparent reason, we are making our way through different caverns, exploring, seeing what's in each of the rooms, gathering new skills and meeting strange characters.


we have the classic skills at the beginning, running and jumping plus an energy bar that we can recharge by killing some of the bugs that we find down here, when we decide to use it we can do it in several ways that we will unlock but one of its early uses is to recover our life bar.


the focus of the game is the exploration, is to get lost in a route that seems endless full of rooms with secrets, passages and other things, is a genre of video games where we will have certain areas blocked until we have the right skills.

So besides exploring there is also the return to those areas to test the new skills that we collect throughout the game.


And I think this is the key point of the game, although we have many environments where we can explore the really interesting thing is then return to the areas where we already passed to test and see what secrets were behind that stone that you could not move or that platform that was too far to jump.


We have already talked a lot about the gameplay, now let's talk about all the mysterious atmosphere that this game has and how the graphics and music make the exploration more immersive, the landscapes and the detail that we are passing through a lost civilization gives more wonder to the passages where we are.


I leave you some of the ones I could take the last time I played, there are other areas that I would like to take some screenshots as well as some of the bosses to appreciate the design of the Cherry team at least once.


I want to know which is the most beautiful game you have played, thank you.

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