The safehouse became unsafe.

After getting there, Melie was talking about some payment that Lucas promised her. It looked like Lucas told them lies about Amicia being rich and would pay her for this save but now when Amicia was saying she didn't have anything, Melie looked upset and said they'd talk about it when Arthur returns.

Reaching the safehouse, both Amicia and Hugo were taking a nap as they were exhausted but suddenly Melie woke them up and asked them not to make any noise through sign language. It looked like there were guards above us who were looking for us.

As they found the secret door to the safehouse and was about to open it, Melie took us to an alternative way that goes through a cave and we were following her.

And we noticed a guard with helmet at the entrance of the cave which we were going to use to escape. Melie gave me the recipe to craft something called devorantis that burns face and melts steel. I crafted and shot a devorantis on the helmet of the guard which forced the guard to remove his helmet and then I used a rock to take him down.

After coming out in the open, we noticed two more guards were guarding around this forest area and I took both of them down one after another when both of them knew my presence and were coming towards me so I had to be fast keeping a good distance.

Then we came out in the vast forest where we noticed a bunch more guards. There were around 8-9 guards guarding the whole area when Melie showed me a portcullis out passed them that's our way out.

I started hunting them down and I did a mistake after hunting the first one. I tried taking down another guard when he was too close to me and there was another guard who was just on the other side of me so all the guards understood my presence and they started running towards me. I could take 2-3 down but suddenly some took me down from behind.

I kept my cool this time and I was being patience while taking them down and I took down the first one again at first whom I targeted first the first time. How many times I used the word "fast" in this line? lol.

Then I decided to take that guard down first who didn't have a helmet on his head and after taking him down real quick, I went for anther one who was the reason of me getting caught the first time and I didn't mess up again this time and after takin the fourth one down, I came back to the are of the second one and I found some loots there.

There was a guard with helmet where I used the devorantis and burned the helmet but I was late in throwing the stone so he almost got me but I used a somnum on him and got rid of him. There were two guards at the same place and I threw a pot to separate one and I took him down but other guards somehow noticed it and killed Amicia.

I was being more careful this time and fortunately it didn't restart at the beginning of this fight. I took them down carefully and I found a map of the whole country there that says they were thinking of something big.

And those are the last two guards who were working on a cart. I separated one and took down taking him to a distance and then I took the last one down with pleasure.

And we reached the portcullis that Melie was talking about which could be our only way out of this place. So, its time we get out of this place.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.

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