Trees of theHunter: Call of the Wild

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

I have shared many things which I like to take pictures of, both in the games and in real life. One of the things I love to capture is Trees. They are so interesting to me, especially those standing alone on a wide-open field. During my gaming session of theHunter: Call of the Wild, I come across many interesting plants and trees and have taken their pictures for so long. I will share some of them with you from different maps of the game.

The snow map, Medvad-Taiga is unique as even the trees are covered with snow. I love to stroll around on this map and hunt some wolves and Moose.

So many things change from the snowy Tundra to the hot plains of savanna. I love to capture those dead-looking trees.

But not everything is dry and struggling to survive. There are plenty of big trees on the same plains.

The autumn colours of Hirschfelden Reserve make it a beautiful map to hunt wild animals.

But my favourite place in the whole game has to be the Crimson Plains of the Yukon Valley Nature Reserve. The red-coloured grass and yellow-leafed trees make for a great shot.

Sunrise and Sunsets are so beautiful over these plains. Whenever I am hunting in this reserve. I make sure to go there and enjoy its natural beauty. It is not a small place either and offers a good population of wildlife too.

Yukon Valley Reserve is the second map where you can experience the snowfall and when it happens the views change and tree leaves will start collecting more snow, there will be more snow in the ground etc.

Emerald Coast also have a diverse flora and fauna. You will find all kinds of trees growing out of the earth here. One of my favourite ones to take pictures of is these bit rooty one whose trunk at the base just expands a lot.

You can see that there are a lot of different kinds of trees in the forested parts of this map.

Let's go back to the Savanna, on the western side of the reserve you will find a big hill and a large cave. Just outside the mouth of the cave is a lonely tree looking over the plains. During the sunrise, this tree becomes a great subject for all your creative shots. I love to take pictures of this. One of the best I have taken is this one.

The hilly parts of Silver Ridge Peaks Reserve are filled with so many trees.

Not every tree is grown as wild and unplanned, some are grown by humans in interesting patterns. Consider the plantations in Cautro Collinas for example.

Is Cactus a Tree or a Plant? I had my doubts so I googled and I was wrong. I thought it was a tree as I have seen some huge ones in documentaries. But nope, they are just desert plants. In any case, they look interesting in the deserts of Mexico.

I will end it with a curvy one growing at the edge of a peaceful lake in Emerald Coast, Australia. In fact, there are too many shots to share from this map alone. This is the latest one and they did a good job with this one. It feels great to just walk through the forest and hear the rustling of the winds and ambient noises from the forest.

Okay, I lied. That wasn't the last one. How about sharing a few more as a bonus? I am feeling generous enough and I have a lot of shots still left so here are a few more.

I love the natural beauty of this game. Even though this game is all about hunting sometimes it feels like a virtual tour of all of those reserve which are modelled after the real locations with native species of trees, plants and animals. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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