Challenges in the "Colosseum of Fools"!

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Hollow Knight has some incredible boss fights but the adrenaline rush you get when fighting for glory in the Colosseum of Fools. This place is located on the top of Kingdom's edge which is a late-game area unlocked after you have passed through many places and gained some abilities and powers to help you defeat waves of enemies in an arena.

There are three trails or challenges each with increased difficulty and better rewards after you finish the challenges. Many new enemies are introduced in this battle.

The arena is very dynamic too, changing its shape and size frequently, sometimes it becomes narrower or at times the spikes appear with some platforms which makes the challenge harder. The constant barrage of various flying, crawling, jumping, running and exploding bugs keep you busy for the entire fight.

The first trial, "Trial of the Warrior" is the easiest of them. You have to pay a fee of 100 Geo to unlock it and once unlocked you can take this trial as many times as you want. You are rewarded with a very useful charm notch and a lot of Geos. So, it is worth the effort.

The second trial, "Trail of the Conqueror" is much harder than the first one with a lot of new bugs and enemies to defeat. The difficulty rises exponentially (for me at But the rewards are much better this time, around 2K Geos and a Pale Ore used to upgrade your nail.

At one point, the arena shrinks with spikes coming out from the ground and there are no platforms to stand so you have to cling to the walls and kill the bugs while not falling onto the spikes.

In the second trial, two big floating bugs come each having a phase that shoots glowing orange acidic balls at you and they use their huge body to slam onto the ground too.

But once one of them dies the other one is all raged up and shoots them even quicker. So this is the time one must be very careful and show some patience.

Sometimes these challenges troll you by making you fight with the fool Zote or with a trapped troll Grub. The live audience makes this battle scene iconic too. They laugh at us if we fail and applaud us when we successfully finish the trial.

In the first trial, there is a double Gruz mother fight, which is not that hard if you focus on one of them at a time.

These challenges in the "Colosseum of Fools" were the most intense battle scenes that I experienced in this game. This was a perfect fit for this week's challenge themed "Epic Battle Scene" in the Gaming Photography Community. If you want to participate or just read more about this exciting contest then click here. Let me invite @theindiankid @bemier @queenstarr to join this one.

Thanks for reading...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game Hollow Knight.

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