The crushers kept crushing me in Monarch Studios.

Every time I find one of these crushers in this game, I try to take them down differently with various strategy keeping Ryan alive but in Monarch Studios, I faced three of them at once and it was hard to take them down. The crushers kept crushing me and forced me to quit playing for the day.

After slaying the zombies outside, I went inside through the door below the big spider and I kept exploring the place where I found a workbench and I repaired some of my weapons there.

I suddenly reached another movie set where I noticed walkers who were in strange suits. It was probably for a movie similar to Ong Bak or something like that which I understood seeing the outfits of those damn zombies. So, this is how they cheat us showing amazon forest while they shoot in a studio.

I took time to behead each of those zombies but when I reached another part of the same set, I noticed that some zombies were coming out of ground and they started attacking me. I beheaded them as well.

After reaching another chamber, I noticed caustic slime, like in the hotel pool but Ryan was wondering how they got here. There was a switch that I activated which threw rain water and that caustic slime part was removed.

I had to destroy some wooden crates to get to another chamber and after slaying some zombies there, I got to a green screen zone where they were probably shooting VPX works.

After getting out of the green screen zone, I found this corpse and after inspecting it, it looked like the corpse was stabbed which is Michael's weapon of choice so he should get to this way. And then I noticed these footsteps of Michael that I had to follow.

Following Michael's footsteps took me to this pair of crushers who were scavenging something there in an alley though I could refrain from going this road as Ryan was saying that he doesn't think Michael went this way. I could just take another way and save Ryan from the Crushers.

Good thing was that the crushers are slow in moving, they can't/doesn't run. But there were other zombies too who were fast so I ran fast and climbed on top of this truck to save Ryan's a**. You can see how wild those crushers looks like when they couldn't get me.

I decided to come down and try fighting them but when I get success in hurting one of them, the other one hist me hard and in this way, they killed Ryan for the first time.

I returned and found a different crusher with full health with one whom I already fought and drained some health. They killed Ryan this time so fast as I didn't escape this time. I returned and the third one joined which means, three of them altogether against me.

I hardly slayed one out of three after getting killed for three more times. Then I decided to change my strategy on attacking them and I decided to find the regular zombies so I can regain health after slaying them down and I was going this way which was a good strategy. But I couldn't continue playing after this as I had to leave the PC for real life zombie hunt.

I'll show what happens next later.

I personally took all the screenshots from my play and I used a logo of the game from online to work on the thumbnail in Adobe Photoshop.

This is Pikachuuuuu signing off. Over and out.

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