A Monster unlike anything else. [Note: Disturbing pictures inside].

I kept finding the caustic slime throughout this whole place but I didn't know what I was about to find next and when I reached Michael, I found a monster unlike anything else that I found in this game till now. Though taking him down was not as hard as I thought it would be.

After repairing my weapons using the workbench, I kept looking for Michael through sound stage 3 and suddenly I reached this huge room where I noticed a lot of film sets in one place.

There was this set that's probably for a talk show or something like that and then I found a set showing a doing room with nice interior.

Then there was a kitchen showing stairs in the other room that goes nowhere and I noticed this cool bed room set as well. Everything looked well furnished but all of them are fake. I never thought they can fool us with such sets in films.

Then there was this set showing the elevator door and I had to get to the elevator but when I reached it, it looked like the elevator would take some time to come to this ground floor.

I had to hold off my new friends till the elevator arrives. I don't know from where they started to coming from after all this time and they kept coming. I didn't have a chance to go back to where I was so I kept slaying them down.

The elevator arrived when I was done slaying all the zombies there and it looked like the elevator was also fake. It took me out of the film sets in the open. Now I noticed a big spider on a set nearby and I had to go there to save Michael from a monster.

I guess Michael is close and so do the monster that was after him. After inspecting more caustic slime there, I noticed the big gate. I guess this is the main gate of Monarch Studios as it has the charm. Well, I have Michael to save.

The more I was getting close to this set, the more I was getting scared of thinking what I might have to witness next and I was being careful as I didn't wish to get surprised with the zombies who jumps on me out of nowhere.

No door was open to this set so I was trying to see how I could get inside there and then I noticed those boxes and there was something on the fence that says I could take this route.

After getting inside, I noticed this trailer of Emma Jaunt where I should find Michael but before going in, I wished to check on the mechanism of this film set.

I noticed that I could try some flames, rains and I could try the spider throwing water as well and the giant spider was moving continuously. I didn't say it but you can see its not a real spider.

When I went to open the door of the trailer, Michael came outside and was using a fire extinguisher on me thinking I might be a zombie of something but he stopped noticing it was no other than Ryan.

Now, they didn't get a chance to have a good conversation as a zombie came over out of nowhere and Ryan kind of ripped both of his hands and the zombie boss was seen there and this is the monster unlike anything else that I've seen in this game till now.

I thought I'd take him down using the mechanisms of the film set so I started using them without going close to him but it didn't look like they were doing me any favor. Instead, I was losing health as the monster was throwing caustic slime towards me.

I tried getting close to him and I noticed the messed up body he had. I don't know how I should describe how he looked so please do me a favor and see for yourself. When I was trying to drain his blood, there came a bunch of normal zombies.

There were a lot of them at once so I had to keep running and keeping up with the health I had but they took me down for once there. When I returned, I tried to keep beheading them and keep getting backed up and when I slayed the big monster, there were still other zombies left and after I slayed the others as well, I didn't find the corpse of the caustic monster.

I'll show what happens next later.

I personally took all the screenshots from my play and I used a logo of the game from online to work on the thumbnail in Adobe Photoshop.

This is Pikachuuuuu signing off. Over and out.

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