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Water Adventure in GTA V.

Water Adventure

With this post, I'm joining the new weekly contest of Gaming Photography and you can find the details here. The objective is to show some photography of water experiences and write a post talking about that topic.

Right before doing the monkey business job, I got to dive in the Pacific Ocean and I did that as Trevor. There, I captured some photos noticing a dolphin and I stored them. Today, I played again to get more photos of my water adventure to join this contest.

Diving in Pacific Ocean

I had an oxygen cylinder at that moment when I was diving in the Pacific Ocean so I could explore around for a long time and I tried to explore the beauty underwater of this game and it looked good.

Suddenly I noticed this dolphin who was swimming around me and I lost oxygen in the cylinder at that moment but I didn't come out of the water cause I enjoyed being with the dolphin. It looked like the dolphin was trying to communicate with me.

I kept swimming around the dolphin without any external oxygen support till I died out of suffocation.

Diving in Alamo Sea

I was going towards somewhere to find water like a lake or an ocean maybe and some bad guys shot me down in the way so I landed in Sandy Shores hospital which was close to Alamo Sea.

Reaching Alamo Sea, I was looking for a water ride but mistakenly I started riving there and I noticed the underworld beauty of this place that I thought are worth sharing.

This part was mostly for garbage uses, I mean peoples uses this part to dump their garbage as I was noticing some there and I noticed some fishes as well, includes some beautiful sea plants.

Water Rides

Enough showing off my diving experiences. Now let's check out the water rides that can be found in this game.

This boat was my target when I jumped in Alamo Sea and after I finished diving there, I jumped on this boat and that man started scolding and threatening me.

But he proved "A dog that bark a lot, doesn't bite" works in gaming world as well as he jumped out of the boat and escaped the place being the owner, though he called police later.

Now I started driving this boat which seemed cool and it looked cooler when I tried the cinematic mode as that gives me view of different cool angels. This boat is kind of slow in my sense comparing to the jet ski which is an obvious but just saying.

There I found another boat in the middle of the sea though we were not in the sea yet, it was still a river that connects to the sea. Where we were? Yeah, I found two peoples in a boat passing time for doing nothing. They could do some fishing there, right? Who stops the engine of a boat in the middle of a sea/river?

Now I started driving the boat towards the open sea so I could get to Vespucci Beach where I'd find some Jet Skies and can show you that ride as well. The sun started setting when I was heading towards the open sea and this scene was beautiful.

I didn't get to Vespucci Beach driving this boat, as I stopped on the shore there to do some extra sea-side photographs and then I used the Skyfall cheat code to get to Vespucci Beach fast as it was a long drive.

And here we go. I believe, this is the fastest water ride in GTA V and I noticed this Jet Ski and the other Speed Boat only that I can ride in GTA V till now. Thought there's a tiny submarine as well that I can drive but that's not a regular ride.

There, I could get this perfect shot of the sun setting beneath the sea keeping both the jet ski and that airplane in the frame.

I was looking for this boat in my mind just to show you and here you go. That's a police boat and the only kind though I can't drive these boats easily as I see polices no these boats every time.

Photographs by Water

Before leaving Sandy Shore desert, I stopped there to do some photographs by the water. Let's check em out.

Wreckage cars around. Peoples of this place are too crazy that they dump their big wreckage cars in the water.

Now this is what we call a photograph, right? And I found the perfect model for the frame and the theme as well.

There I noticed this chair on the shore. Probably someone uses it to see the sunset or to catch fishes. I went close to it and I pushed it towards the water. These are my last captures for this post and I'm ending the post here.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.

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Pictures: In-game screenshots+logo.