I chose Vespucci Beach for the Shadow Hunt.

Shadow Hunts

With this post, I'm joining the new weekly contest of Gaming Photography and you can find the details here. The objective is to show some photography of shadow hunts and write a post talking about that topic.

In the vast map of GTA V, I chose Vespucci Beach for this theme as I believe this is the best place to get the best shadows and I hunted some cool shadows as well that I'm going to show now.

This is a beachside lighting pole that I found by the walking road on the beach and this shadow attracted me first when I went to the beach to hunt some shadows.

This man was jogging on that road on the beach and I noticed his shadow that was following him. I don't know why I wished to give him a punch and the man started running like the flash and escaped me.

Then I noticed the shadows of the palm trees on the beach. These shadows looks good. I just wish I'd have a photo mode in this game so I could find the perfect frame which I hope I'll find in GTA VI.

I rode a bicycle for a moment and I just noticed and wished to hunt the shadow of Michael riding the cycle.

I rode the cycle to the platform that the beach has and I noticed these shadows of the rides there.

There were more shadows like these. As it was perfect noon with the scorching sun ray, everything was placing their shadows so it was easy to find these.

I liked these polls. They're not that big but they look good and the lights have cool styles as well.

nd I wished to show how my shadows look when I hold a gun in public.

That's a burger cart which was closed due to not having any operator around. I'd sell some burgers there if I could.

This is the shadow of the American flag that was waving o top of the beach office there. This shadow went to another side a moment later.

Shadow of emergency life ring. I don't see any life ring there though.

These construction workers were gossiping there when one of them was drinking something and another one was smoking. I was thinking of slapping the man who was smoking as its injurious to health but then I didn't want to mess up so I left them as they were.

This man was walking around carrying a backpack. I wonder what's his motto in this beach area. I hope he's not a terrorist carrying bombs in the backpack.

I found copies this lady in several places around this platform and all of them does the same thing. They keep using their phone and I scared two of them just by bumping on them twice on each.

This is a telescope that I could use paying some pennies to see things by zooming them in the ocean.

That man was singing something playing the guitar and those peoples around him were cheering him and were trying to dance following the beats of the song.

I found this man sitting with a sad face beside that ice cream cart. The ice cream cart was not open and maybe that's why this man was sad.

This man was fishing using a fishing rode though I didn't notice any fishes that he caught already. I don't know why I punched him for once and the man started fighting me back so I took him down.

This is my last shadow hunting for this post where I'm showing that couple was enjoying the sun having coffee. I didn't disturb them, I just captured this photo and left them.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.

You can find me on:

Pictures: In-game screenshots+logo.

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