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Chilling at Mount Chiliad.

After doing the risk assessment job with Dom where I did a skydive jumping from a chopper, landed on Mount Chiliad and joined a by-cycle race. After that little mission got finished, I was about to leave the place but stole my focus.

This board stole my focus where I understood this is a tourist trail to Mount Chiliad and this is the first time I convinced myself to do a long walk in this game

I started walking through this trail towards the mountain with the planning of winning the mountain by foot and I started recording the gameplay so I can edit and make a good gameplay video about my foot journey to the mountain.

I increased the sound of my microphone to maximum just to feel the noise of this trail and trust me, it was so soothing and calm and I was seeing fireflies there and you can see one in the photo above as well.

But when I kept walking, there came a wild cougar and hunted me down. I found Franklin at the gate of a hospital and it was not night anymore.

After searching the trail for sometimes in a rainy weather, I found it at last but it was not raining anymore and I could see tourists returning from the trail which says, I was going at the wrong time but I don't have any problem with that as I'm not walking in real life.

I kept walking and was reaching the spot where the cougar hunted me last night thinking, it shouldn't come hunt me again as its daytime but I noticed some tourists were scared of something.

And there came the cougar suddenly and attacked me in this daytime and I couldn't do anything. I should have ability to fight them.

With my next try, I planned to take down the cougar first so I used invisibility cheat code first and then I hunted it down riding a bike.

Then I started walking on foot again and found alternative paths there where some goes towards the highway and some goes to the wooden factory nearby.

I kept walking on the path that goes towards the mountain and noticed a train was passing in front of me thought the rail track right below the mountain.

I noticed another cougar and a cub on the rail track and hunted both of them down using a sniper rifle when they were escaping. Well, I didn't wish to take any chance this time.

There I tried to show off and damn, I fell down and didn't die luckily when the invincibility duration were passed already.

Going through a tunnel, I kept walking towards the mountain and through the beautiful green grasses.

Franklin couldn't maintain his weight with the height of the mountain so he fell down twice a I had to walk carefully after that.

I passed the zone green grass and reached the zone of dry parts as the sunlight torches this place more than it does on the below part and there was the sea behind me.

There were some paths that I couldn't pass on foot so I used a cheat for this offroad bike and I passed those paths riding it and suddenly I noticed the sun was setting.

Oops, I was done for, or did I? Well, I had the invincibility cheat on so I could save Franklin from this fall and I started climbing the mountain again.

I was so close to the peak of the mountain and it was still hard to walk on these parts so I had to keep using the offroad bike on some parts.

At last I was there and this part was a dangerous part of this mountain peak which was blocked for ordinary tourists but I'm not ordinary tourist here, right?

I kept standing on different parts of the mountain to take pictures and to record gameplay so I can do time-lapse on those scenes.

There I found a plant named Peyote that I made Franklin eat and he fell on the ground showing me glitches and I understood it was something with drug.

And I found the soul of Franklin in this bird whom I could fly and it was a hallucination which was happening because of the Peyote.

After enjoying the bird fly for a moment, I crashed intentionally to see what happens and the hallucination ended and I found Franklin was waving his hands as if he was flying there. Fortunately, he didn't jump off the cliff.

Now I walked towards the highest peak of the mountain where I found this wooden board with a map of South S.A. View and there were two telescopes there that I used and wasted 2 bucks.

It was time for sunrise and I was there enjoying the view of the sunrise and I was doing it taking time for time-lapse. I kept changing the location to get different views and the sun was going up on my witness.

Now I wished to pass the day on the mountain to enjoy the sunset as well.

There came various tourists most probably to enjoy the sunrise although I didn't notice them at the time of sunrise and they were busy taking photographs, smoking or chatting with their tour mates.

And I kept taking pictures of them and recording them as well for my video when some of them were looking at me like they were seeing an alien.

If I try to get close to them, they just leave the place out of fear, I don't know why. Man, I just want to talk about these great views and that's all, niggas.

And it was time for sunset and I noticed these peoples were enjoying the sunset and doing mobile photographs so I went close to them to enjoy the sunset together but they started beating me and I joined them and there was a nigga who was good at fighting and took me down, unfortunately.

Just for this incident and wishing to get good shots of the sunrise, I had to reach the top of this mountain fore 3-4 times again to get here at the right time and I used choppers to get there these times.

And at last, I found the perfect views of the sunset as well. I just waited there till the sun sets properly. I guess you'll love the video I'm going to share soon.

The moon came up and I captured this cool shot keeping the chopper in the frame.

Then I walked to there so I could jump and use a parachute to go below the mountain easily and I did it. The times that I passed in this mountain was really cool and I really enjoyed those moments.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.