Weapon Showcase in Ghost of Tsushima

Greetings, my friends, members of the Gaming Photographer Community. How are you today? I hope you find this post in great health! This post is my entry for the weekly contest. This week's challenge is to show gaming photography, including screenshots of the Weapon Showcase. To my friend @tommyl33, this is my entry for this week's contest. What do you think? I hope you will be able to join us in the future and have fun together. Best of luck!

Although the main weapon in the virtual world of Tsushima is sword or katana, there are several other weapons than can be utilized to eliminate enemies in this game. I will show you all of my weapon as well as my sword kit's collection that I have in game so far. I choose an interesting and memorable place, Sensei Ishikawa's Dojo, north-west of Hiyoshi Springs, to display each of the weapon that I have in my inventory.

1. Longbow

Longbow has high damage output but the downside is it took long draw time. I acquired the legendary longbow of Uchitsune. While using longbow, you cannot crouch while aiming, so it's not an efficient as assassin's weapon inasmuch as you will have to stand up and risk to reveal yourself in order to aim. Longbow can fire either heavy arrow or explosive arrow.

When using longbow to shot heavy arrow, it can pierces the helmets of the enemies and can even knock the enemies backward, especially enemy with higher vitality pool.

Meanwhile, when using longbow to shot explosive arrow, it has cool fire effect and explodes when it touches surface. It can dealt area of effect damage.

2. Half Bow

Half bow has moderate damage and draw speed. I acquires the half bow from Sensei Ishikawa. So this Dojo has a memorable moment of this weapon. Half bow can fire either shot a normal light arrow or flaming arrow.

As you can see, the effect (on the target) of arrow using half bow is noticeable lesser than from a heavy arrow that shot by longbow.

The flaming arrow shotted by the half bow will ignites enemies, clothes and even dry grass. It will burn flammable surface.

3. Wind Chime

Wind chime is a small bell, that when thrown, will creates a luring sound. It can be used as distraction. The wind chime will stay visible on the ground after the sound effect gone.

4. Black Powder Bomb

Black powder bomb is an explosive when thrown will explode and deal bigger area of effect damage output. It leave black star effect on the ground after the explosion.

5. Kunai

Kunai is a small blade, which can be thrown at nearby enemies. Upon successfully hit, the enemies will be staggered for a moment, and this opportunity can be used to finish off the enemies.

6. Sticky Bomb

Sticky bomb is another fun weapon to use, when thrown against enemies, will sticks to targeted enemy and then explode. It can instant kill an enemy that has no armor protection.

7. Smoke Bomb

Smoke bomb is an effective weapon when used to execute an unseen attack. When thrown to the ground it will explode and produces thick smoke that will confuse and blind enemies for a while. It can be used to escape from a very intense fight when you about losing it or to execute assassination in an open area with multiple enemies nearby.

8. Sword @ Katana

The main weapon, as I said earlier, is Katana @ Sword and Tanto (small blade @ knife). By the way, there are collection sword kits that show different cosmetic (only) appearance for the main weapon. So, I want to share every sword kit, with it's philosophy, that I got so far. You tell me which one that you like the most. Emperor's Tears is my favorite sword kit, because of it's pure white color, but I do change my sword kit time to time depending on the situation for no other reason other than cosmetic. No matter what sword kit you equip, the stats, and upgrades are all the same.

Twilight Oni : As night fall, death approaches.

Dueling Festival : Your foes will drink and feast on chaos and blood.

Mamushi Venom : Your blade strike home with venomous precision.

Fuujin's Secret : The terrible force of an unseen tempest

Spring Bamboo : Even the oldest samurai fight with the vigor of youth.

Warrior's Brush : Like a master calligrapher's brush stroke, written in blood.

Heavenly Falcon : Strike without warning like the hunter of the skies.

Yasha's Ember : Beware the warrior's fiery vengeance.

Genbu's Darkness : For warrior who celebrate the shadows.

Hero of Tsushima : Worn by one who is sworn to defend Tsushima.

The Storm of Clan Sakai : The regalia of Sakai clan, right hand of the Jito.

Warrior's Shadow : The shadows are deepest before dawn.

Prowling Tiger : The sign of a true predator.

Snow Demon's Eyes : Even in blinding snow, the demon sees all.

Emperor's Tears : Pure of purpose, prepared to face death.

Sea Dragon's Wing : Summon the fierce courage of a dragon.


I haven't got the Blowgun yet, it show that I progress really slow in this game, but most importantly I enjoyed every moment. The opportunity to share a memorable moment and story in a community and platform like this is an amazing life changing experience. Thank you so much @gamingphoto for this week's theme, it so much fun to participating.

So that's all for today, if you've read to this point I hope you like what you see just like I do. Thank you so much for your support. Until next adventure in Ghost of Tsushima! Have a nice day, goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps where I used my own face with full body samurai with sword that was generated by ToonMe apps.

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