The Legend of Tadayori : A Mountain Story

Greetings, Gaming Photographer Community! How are you today? I hope you have an amazing day! This post is my entry for the weekly contest. It's a fun and challenging contest to participate in. To my friend @tommyl33, you are always invited to join the fun!

My journey to a mountain began when I met this one musician located North-West of the Logging Base Camp. He told me that there was this legendary archer, Tadayori Nagao, who own a mytic armor - light and strong, beyond compare. He, alone, shooting from the Mountain of Azamo, defeated countless pirate that trying to annihilate Azoma Bay. His story passed by generation, some say his armor were kept somewhere safe on the top of the mountain but it's still remain vanished, mysteriously. The musician told me to find Crown of Violet, located Nort-East from our current location, where the area of mountains are.

The journey led me to the torii gate. These torii gates lead me to Arrow Peak Shrine, sanctuary of Inari, kami agriculture. There were a lot of pine tree at the beginning and I can see mountains view from here.

I continue my journey with Wira, my ride, accompany me. The weather was a bit dark at that moment. From the main road, I can see high mountain that cannot be climbed easily without the proper path. So I just follow the main road and the wind's direction to reach my destination.

The wind brought me to a watchtower. Watch tower usually build at the top of a mountain. But, it was not my destination. I was looking for a violet flowers as a sign.

After moving around 800 meters, I finally reached the a called Crown of Violet. I have no idea why the place called that way before, but when I reached the place, I think I know why now. It was because of the Violet flowers that was covering the whole mountain area, that's why it's called Violet Crown.

I continue to walk, following the path and the wind, to reach higher peak of the mountain. Even the pathway were covered by Violet flowers.

I finally reach the targeted area, peak of Violet Crown. I saw a shire and a container there. I found a map inside the container. It was a map to "Tadayori's Rest".

By analyzing the map, I still blurred at first. My current location was showed a the bottom of the map, where there a drawing of shire. So I need to reach the mountain which was top of the map to find Tadayori's Armor. There was a house of the left, and I need to cross a road or a river. I must find this place.

At first I thought the map was actually this place, but then I realized that there was no house on the left, so I must made a mistake.

So, I keep searching, and climbing to the top of mountain to have a better view from the top.

Yea, of course my journey will not feel complete without the Mongols blocking my way. They only searching for the end of their life.

After eliminating the Mongols and bandits, I continued my search.

The, I reach this area, it seem like it, but there was still no house at the left, so another wrong place. But, this place look beautiful!

While walking mountain to mountain, there was one time I came across with a black bear fighting against Mongols. So, I draw my fire arrow and start bullying the bear. It was easy kill.

I went down the mountain, a came across with a group of Mongol, carrying a cart full with supplies.

So, sword clash was inevitable. They want me death, I want their supplies. Battle happened a the foot of the mountain.

I continued my journey and finally I stumbled upon the place that look exactly like the map shows me. A house on the left, a river that need to be crossed, a field of Violet flowers, and a mountain with a very high top. I must reach the top of this mountain.

When approaching the mountain, I can see that the mountain was to sheer to climb. So, I found another way to reach the top.

There was a hole that big enough to let me through.

Behind the hole, there were Mongols body on the ground.

I keep following the pathway, I keep climbing up until I reached this beautiful place. It's Tadatori's Resting place.

There was a house and a cemetery nearby. I went investigate it.

Suddenly a lady came and accuse me a thief. I introduce myself, but she doesn't believe me and call me a liar.

She took out her sword, and want to fight me. She was serious about killing me.

Ryuzo can fight better than her. It was easy to avoid and predict her movement. Or maybe because I am better now.

Killing her would be easy, but luckily she asked me to stop before I am about to kill her.

She admit her defeat and realize quickly that I am a samurai. She was told that all samurai were dead, that's she doesn't believe me at first. After our battle, she came to realize and ask for forgiveness. She told me where should I be going next to search the whereabout of the Tadayori's Armor. Before I leave, I joined her pay respect to Tadayori's rest.

I continued my journey, follow the path that Kaeda, the lady, shows me.

I climb the mountain and reached the top of the mountain.

I finally reached the top of the mountain. There were Mongols army there and a monk that has been captured by the Mongols. They must be looking for the Tadayori's Armor as well.

After both side of the archer killed by my arrow. I approached the captured monk slowly and kill all the Mongols. The monk told me that the armor were hidden beneath the memorial.

Before taking the armor, I took a screenshot from the mountain top. This place must be an archer strong point, this must be the place where Tadayori defeat the pirates from above.

I took Tadayori's Armor and put it on. At that moment, Mongols started coming to us. So I need to act fast and kill all the archer first because they will hit the monk from a distance for sure. Tadayori's Armor gave me reload speed which is supert stat for an archer. So, I can kill the Mongol archer easily and faster.

The last Mongol that came was a shieldman. So, with a water stance, it was an easy kill.

So, that's all for today. Thank you so much for your support, until next adventure in Tsushima! Have a nice day, goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, the photo in there is my face with a samurai armor that was generated by ToonMe apps.

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