Playing for Time.

The thumbnail was created in Canva.

The interlude with Johnny was done or was paused at the end of "Love and Fire" and then I was in the interlude of the second act and I was confused about who was my character now and what year it was. I was sure that it was not Johnny.

Seeing the hands and how the character was sounding, I was sure it was not Johnny but like I said, I was not sure how it was. I thought maybe, this is another character now as V is dead and Johnny is captured.

I found this character under some heavy steel in a junkyard and I had to move the junk out of him and crawl to safety in the open, and then I noticed someone at a distance who came to me noticing me, and pulled me into the open and then I noticed it was Dexter with Takemura, the personal and loyal bodyguard of Saburo Arasaka.

Dexter was saying that he's done everything like Tokemaru asked and was suggesting that they should figure this out and that's when Tokemaru shot Dexter down without saying a word.

It looks like it was my V. Yeah, he didn't die. Tokemaru came close to me and was telling Arasaka over the phone that he had found his father's killer and said he expected to be somewhere in an hour. I had the option to ask for help and Tokemaru then slapped my V and asked to stay quiet.

Then Tokemaru was taking V somewhere in his car and a moment later after a blank moment, Tokemaru was saying that he needed my help and gave me an airhypo that I used in V's chest which should help him hold on for longer. Then I noticed Tokemaru got shot.

Suddenly some bikers passed us and started shooting us from ahead and Tokemaru tried to drive over them and gave me a handgun to neutralize the bikers.

I kept shooting the bikers and that's when this last one jumped from his bike and came on our car. It seemed like I was in a shooting set of a Terminator movie cause I watched a similar scene in a Terminator movie long back. I kept shooting him as we had to survive the attack and Tokemaru kept driving fast.

Then Tokemaru hit something taking that biker and V fainted out. The next scene I witnessed was Tokemaru pulling V out of the car and threatening him not to faint gain. I finished the biker off by doing a headshot.

Now Tokemaru said we both could use medical attention and was asking if I knew any ripperdoc whom I could trust. V told him about Victor. Before going to sleep again, V called Delamain and asked to deliver them to Victor's chamber.

It seemed like V was passing out but he was hardly holding back. With the suggestion of Delamain, Tokemaru tried some treatment on V on their way to Victor.

The next scene I noticed was in Victor's chamber where both of them are on the ground and about to die when Victor comes over and starts treating them.

It looked like I was a patient and I was getting operated on in a hospital and I could see Tokemaru was doing fine after some days. And it was 2077 now, I don't know what happened to Johnny back in 2023.

Victor came to me when V could at least talk and let him know that he somehow patched him up this time but he'd need time to get well. Then Misty came over to take me home.

To be Continued...

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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