Fallout New Vegas - Portraits Of Life On The Strip


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Since a couple of days ago I have returned to see videos of the Fallout Lore which has reminded me the taste that I had to this saga despite completing only one title of the franchise, for this reason I decided to go back to my game of Fallout New Vegas to explore what I'm missing from the Mojave Desert, Something that I paid more attention this time was to the NPCs and inhabitants of the wasteland and see how their expressions are and how they behave those inhabitants of the post-apocalyptic world, as the map is incredibly large I dedicated myself to see the inhabitants of The Strip, the most “beautiful” area of this arid and dangerous wasteland.


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The most curious thing about The Strip is how despite being the semi-destroyed and radioactive world of Fallout, the inhabitants of this area seem to try to lead a fairly normal life with the “luxuries” that are within their reach, Ironically almost all the buildings in this sector are hotels and “luxury” casinos which survived the nuclear war thanks to the defenses of Mr. New Vega so almost all the people in this place are wearing suits and we can find them playing in the casinos although they seem anything but happy, it shows part of the desolation of living in this world.


Near the hotel that I have as a base I met a scientist and her expression seemed to me quite calm despite being with a robe full of dirt, she is simply on the side of the road analyzing everything that happens without moving or having further dialogue.



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Besides the inhabitants there are also the RNC guards who are supposed to keep order in The Strip and their characteristic uniform makes it impossible to confuse them with other people, something peculiar is how it seems that those who should be watching and maintaining security are the ones having the most fun in the whole area, depending on the time of day you are there you can find them happily dancing and singing together with the strippers of the casinos that are on the street attracting customers to it.


You can also find them leaving the casinos and hotels at dawn completely drunk and staggering in the streets as they head back to their main barracks, the funny thing is how when they walk drunk they open their arms wide to the sides to try to keep their balance and not fall.


In all the population of the streets of The Strip the most striking was a gentleman with a very striking cowboy style suit, his sight somewhat lost in the distance, his black leather hat and a tie or similar long cut complemented very well his style so elegant for a rather deteriorated place.


Of all the inhabitants, the only ones who could be seen to be moderately happy were those in the shelter located on the Strip, all with a gala style typical of the 70's and gathered inside without a clear intention to leave the shelter despite no longer being necessary to live.



In this adventure you can have several companions to help you in combat and something very peculiar is how some seem to be almost happy to go on adventures and looking for battles with you as the cowgirl who accompanies us. While others like the Necrophage, despite having such a deteriorated face, you can see at a glance his sense of sadness and emptiness in life, as it seems that nothing is important to him and he is just waiting for the new life in this new world to bring him.


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It was peculiar to see the expressions and contrasts between the inhabitants of The Strip, who should have the “best” living conditions in this world and how several seem to have fun or be distracted by banal pleasures while others even in these things seem desolate or dissatisfied with this lifestyle, it is also peculiar to see such different clothing styles among all the NPCs of such a small area.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
All Images Are Screenshots Of My Xbox 360

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