Borderlands The Pre-Sequel - Its Great Spatial And Chaotic Architecture


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The world of video games is simply amazing and in every aspect can impress us, this time the theme of this week in the community are the interesting and incredible buildings that we can find in our adventure and this has always been a topic that I find very great and dedicated, let's face it, in the big structures many times we can not pay attention to all the details or even leave them a little unnoticed especially because there are parts of them where we simply can not reach legally, this is why it is fantastic the level of detail of many developers to create great buildings that many times we will not appreciate as it should.


Returning to my space adventure in Borderlands The Pre-Sequel I realized that beyond the story and peculiar designs of enemies and weapons we also have fantastic buildings and space fiction style, the first building that I found very interesting, although I did not have many angles to appreciate it was a kind of space base in the mountain, the first time I saw it I thought it was just a normal mountain with a cavern style entrance but when you detail you can realize how the entire structure are walls and artificial lights but that combine incredibly with the mountain itself.


The second structure that caught my attention and that was more for the state of it than for the design was a building with industrial style where I had to eliminate an enemy, its style is simple but great, a slender building, without many quirky and striking elements more than a roof halfway up, The peculiar thing is the good condition it has, many buildings in this title are somewhat deteriorated or have strange designs but it was something remarkable to see a building in such good condition and with a style so basic and even real in the middle of a planet without atmosphere and full of peculiar creatures.


Even more striking was when I looked back and saw a radio transmission antenna, I think it's the first one I've seen on the planet and considering how easy it would be to destroy it's almost a miracle that it's still intact considering how demented and self-destructive the world of Borderlands is.

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Although it is purely decorative the spaceship that we can see in space is incredible, they have a very cool H design and if I'm not mistaken inspired by Star Trek, a lot of illuminated windows and a part destroyed after what happened at the beginning of the adventure.


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Finally something I got, but only to die in an incredibly humiliating way was a combat arena that seems to be a survival level, but with enemies almost 20 levels above my level which practically killed me when they looked at me, the most predominant aspect in this room are its purple tones and alien style, for me it was practically immediate to relate it to the titles of the Halo saga, it is very noticeable the clear inspiration in it with the styles and colors of several ships of that saga.


The area is quite large and on the walls there are details of giant purple crystals which generates a great effect, besides having several levels and an elevated central area from where you can see everything and also see where all the enemies came from to defeat you before you realize, despite this this area seemed to me to have the best building so far in the adventure.


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