Chasing Sunrise and Sunset in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Hi, I'm back with another contribution to Gaming Photography community and this time I'm going to join Gaming Photography Weekly Contest - Theme: Sunrise and/or Sunset showing and talking about me chasing sunrise and sunset in RDR 2.

I played around or more than three hours at once to get these shots only though I found more interesting things that I'll talk later in another post but this post is exclusive to this contest.

I was in the city of Saint Denis and it was just before dawn so taking my horse, I rode towards the river of Saint Denis to get some sunrise shots from the dock.

Getting in the dock, I noticed the place was too foggy and from the map, I found there was woods/swamps on the other side of the river so I won't get the sunrise view that I hope would get so I started riding my horse to leave Saint Denis and to try getting up on a mountain.

Suddenly I noticed, the sun started rising from behind me and I took these shots when I was riding my horse as fast as I could.

As time in this game flies a looot faster than the real world, I decided to get into the swamps beside me to get some sunrise shots from there cause it'll not be the sunrise anymore me trying to get to a mountain.

This crocodile spooked my horse and my horse decided to leave me there so I decided to take these sunrise photos having the crocodile in the frame. This place was full of crocodile, like a crocodile island.

After getting a sunrise shot when I was at the shore, I went there on the wood which was in the middle of the water and took the above two photos that looks quite awesome to me.

I used this crocodile as a model there to take these shots.

I suddenly encountered this wild snake there in the swamp which I killed and kept it on the shoulder to take these shots.

And how do you like this one? Cool, right?

While riding out of the swamp towards a mountain, I heard peoples screaming and found a train robbery scene. I couldn't get the robbers as they left the scene fast.

The swamp looked so foggy from this far and there was the sun rising as well and I started driving the train to get a little far from here without draining stamina of my horse.

I was riding my horse fast to get to a mountain and I targeted a mountain so far from me.

Going towards the mountain, I found this abandoned village which looked like burned.

There was Sheriff office, motel and even liquor shop. I'm not sure but I guess something terrible happened to this place.

I reached my targeted mountain and now I just had to climb up but my horse was unable to take that path so I tried giving him some food and stamina tonic.

Still, the horse failed so I started running myself but that path was not climbable at all so I looked for an alternative way and found bones of something giant that looks like a giant man or something.

At last I was there on top of the mountain at the exact time when the sun was setting. So, here we are with the sunset scene.

Bounty hunters came all the way to up this mountain to get me and I shot all of them down single handedly.

The sun and the sky turned darker with the reddish color around the sun as it was setting beneath that another mountain.

And at a point, the sun gone for fully and it came night.

I set up a camp beneath the mountain and slept there for some hours so I can get sunrise sun from the mountain. But as soon as I got up from the sleep, there came bounty hunters from two side and I took them down.

I went to the top of the mountain again and started waiting for the sun to show up and it's a night photography having the moon on the frame and that's a stone on top of the mountain.

The sun started rising at last and it was so cool and I felt like I was seeing a sunrise myself in the real world. I kept taking pictures of these views.

I put out my handgun and I started shooting towards the sky to show my happiness and I didn't forget to get these cool shots.

And this. Having my horse in the frame, I made him do this when I was about to get these sunrise shots.

Arthur started shivering in cold suddenly as I took him on a real high place and the mountain got covered with ice overnight.

There I found this bird enjoying the sunrise view just like me. When I went close to it to take some good shots, it started flying and gave me something better.

Here I'm finishing the post for today and I'll come talk about more special RDR 2 gaming moments in Gaming Photography.

"The screenshots are my take but properties of Red Dead Redemption 2."

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