Sam needed a dream to change his mind.

After losing the President of UCA who happened to be the mom of Sam, he got the chance to reconnect and save his sister Amelie but he was not ready to getting involved with anyone. His mind changed after he dreamt Amelie the next moment.

I didn't finish talking about what Amelie and Die-Hardman was talking the other day so here I'm. They were still showing Sam how Amelie tried her operation and got caught and was showing all of them in a chiralgram of something.

Then they started talking about these peoples. They are Homo Demens, Militant separatist group and they run Edge Knot City where Amelie is stuck at the moment.

Amelie was talking about forming chiral KNOTS and reconnect and then Die-Hardman was asking Sam to go West and finish what Amelie started which is bringing chiral network terminals online and connect them to Central Knot City and offered him those things looks like flash drives that should contain all the necessary security and operations protocols to integrate a terminal into the chiral web.

Saying "I'm not getting involved with you or anyone else again", Sam left the room. Both Amelie and Die-Hardman tried to stop him but they failed.

Then Deadman came over carrying the bridge baby and was talking about getting rest and said the necessary maintenance for the bridge baby has been completed.

Soon as the baby came close to Sam, it was staring at him and Deadman was asking that perhaps the two of them have something of an affinity for one another.

Then next thing I noticed was Sam lying on the beach of the sea and Amelie came to wake him up and was trying to motivate him and was saying that she's stranded there on the shore of the pacific.

The dead bodies of all those whale shows an unique scene that I don't think I noticed anywhere before, not even in a movie. Untying the necklace from Sams neck, she gave it to his hand and was saying they're still connected.

Then Amelie hugged her brother and started walking towards the pacific when it looked like the sun was onto the earth and everything was getting destroyed on that side. Before leaving, Amelie asked Sam to go back and that she'll be waiting for him.

Shouting with "wait", Sam got up from his sleep. So all these were in the dream though I already understood that he was in a dream as I found him in similar situations before.

After waking up, he found the necklace in his hand and I was wandering how did it happen as Amelie did that in the dream only. He tied it on his neck.

Then Dei-Hardman called as if he was waiting for Sam to get up and was saying that Sam was gone for a long time. He was letting Sam know that these private rooms has all the basic amenities like shower, toilet etc and asked him to drop in when he needs rest, inspect his gear, review info or whatever else.

Now I had to be prepared to make a delivery and I noticed the Monster Energy drinks and that cool glasses on the table and there were some toys of BT's as well. I could put on those sunglasses or try drinking some of those energy drinks.

I tried some drinks for him and it looks like he enjoyed drinking it as he did it very fast. I wonder how much that energy drink company paid the game for this advertisement.

After trying the toilet, I started examining the weapon rack where I found different suits for different tasks with various equipment's and the bridge baby was also there in the incubator.

There was option that I could play music in the room that seemed so cool.

And when I tried the option to leave the private rom, there came Die-Hardman with the flash drives thingy that's called Q-pid and this time, Sam didn't reject him, he took those things.

He reached the mirror and kept the Q-pid in his neck as another necklace and he started getting ready.

After taking care of his hair, he wore this special suit to reconnect and find his sister Amelie. I see that dream made him change his mind or I wouldn't get the chance to go with him in the next adventure.


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All the in-game screenshots are taken by me.

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