24 hours extra time for Gaming Photography Weekly Contest - Theme: Flowers Hunting.

- - Gaming Photography Weekly Contest - Flowers Hunting - -

Heya, its @rashed.ifte announcing 24 hours extra time for our last/current/ongoing contest with the theme of Flowers Hunting.

As we didn't have a good numbers of entries this week probably cause we forgot to pin the contest post in the community, we decided to add extra 24 hours to the deadline of the contest and 2 hours out of that 24 already gone which says participants have 22 more hours to join the contest.

Please feel free to join the contest within the deadline period which is UTC 11 AM, 13.06.2024.

The thumbnail of this post is made in Canva.

The reward of this post has been set to 100% power-up ignoring any kinds of beneficiaries.
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