The Brother's Drake.

The Hector Alcaraz things was proved to be a bullshit after all. So I was not wrong thinking like this when Sam seemed a little off at the end of the Sea chapter where Nathan was saying they'll take care of Hector Alcaraz situation after they find the treasure.

Now that the Drake Brothers were caught by Rafe, Nathan was asking for a deal which is, they'll help them finding the treasure for a small cut as Sam needs it for his freedom. Rafe was surprised hearing about the freedom thingy and Nathan briefed the Hector Alcazar and then Rafe said Hector Alcazar died in a shootout in Argentina six months ago and Sam lied to him.

It was Rafe who got Sam out and Sam spent last two years tracking down the second St. Dismas Cross and he did it all with Rafe.

After the discussion, Rafe was about to shoot Sam and Nathan tried to explain him that they needed the Drake brothers to find the treasure as they couldn't do it all this time.

Then Rafe said Sam was not entirely right about this as they needs only Sam so he tried to shot Nathan but Sam took the shot and Nathan fell from the mountain getting a bump from Sam when the elder bro was trying to save the little one. And Nathan went unconscious after the big fall and there came Elena out of nowhere to wake him up.

The concept took me to their early time, the day when Nathan escaped the orphanage with his bro Sam to check something out riding the bike though I never thought I'd know what happened next after that.

This is the place that Sam has been scooping for days cause they're after something. It looked like no one lives in this place and I was hoping there won't be any ghost there.

Sam suggested they should start by looking for a way to get in so both of us started looking a way in now and after finding the front doors locked, we decided to look around back to find an alternative way to get in that's not involved in breaking any window or something.

Sam noticed an open window and I noticed the fantastic night scene there that looked beautiful having faded lights.

Sam climbed there easily and waited for the little one to help him go up as Nathan was not tall enough to climb there all alone. Its great that they still does such things when they're grown ups.

I followed Sam in the spooky attic through the open window and Sam threw his torch to me saying he brought a spare and I started looking around the place.

Sounds like they were there for a book or a journals or ay kind of research papers and after exploring around the attic, they understood that what they're looking for can't be in here so they decided to climb down.

After getting below the attic, Nathan was asking how they'd found it and now I understood that they're looking for their mothers notebooks and Sam said their mother always used some off-white leather and I found this notebook having such leather but its not the one we were looking for.

I found more similar notebooks in our search here but they're not the one we're looking for so we just kept looking and wandering around.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.


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