The Massive Elevator for the Massive Ride.

After getting to the ride that Elena has brought for us, I started riding the jeep and it felt good riding a jeep through the muddy tracks when we kept exploring more and more waterfalls around without knowing what's waiting for us next.

Elena said there's an opening by the falls, up river after Nathan asked if she saw a way out. I started driving the jeep through the route where we couldn't walk on foot and suddenly we noticed a massive elevator which was a little far from us.

Then we reached this place of wonders that shows multiple waterfalls in one frame and I even shared this moment in my entry to the waterfalls contest.

When I was riding towards the elevator, Elena was asking why would Rafe Adler want the treasure as it shouldn't be like he needs the money. Nate replied, "He wants the glory. Doesn't want to be known as a guy who only got rich because of his inheritance.

And at last we reached the place where the elevator was waiting for us and it looked big enough to fit the car. We jumped there taking the car and I stopped playing for the day.

After a long time, I started playing this game again as I was busy with some real life deeds and now I started exploring around the place first so I understand how I get to make the elevator working.

There I noticed a pole that I could move attaching the winch of the jeep which I did but it only stopped the waterwheel only that doesn't really help us.

Then I noticed another pole which was attached to a balcony and I was hinted that we had to pull down the balcony by using the winch so I attached the winch on it when Elena was waiting in the jeep.

After attaching the winch to the balcony pole, Elena drove the jeep backward and pull down the balcony when I had to stay a little away from there though I guess Elena should've give Nathan chance to get to the other side to be safer.

After pulling the balcony down, I got opening and I climbed up to see what I could do there. Then I kept climbing and jumping to get to the switch of the elevator.

Now when I reached top, Elena stopped the waterwheel using the wrench all by herself so I could use the waterwheel and climb to the other side where the switch of the elevator was waiting for me.

After I activated the elevator, Elena drove the jeep in the elevator chamber and it started going upwards automatically taking Elena along with the jeep and she seemed anxious as I was not there so I was jumping fast to get there.

I fell for the first time as I didn't jump at the right time but I perfectly landed on the elevator chamber at the second time and the couple were glad to be together again.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.


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