Beautiful Waterfalls in Uncharted 4.

After the big fall, Nathan survived and there was Elena by his side who decided to come after them in case the brothers needs help. With great coincidence, I was finding waterfalls one after another and thy looked beautiful. As I was going with the concept flow, I didn't decide to join this contest at first but when I kept finding more and more waterfalls, I suddenly decided that the nature wants me to join the contest.

So, I'm joining the latest contest in this community with the theme of waterfalls.

This is the first waterfall I've found there and I found it at the beginning of a new chapter where both Nathan and Elena were lookin for a way to get to Sam. I was capturing these photos thinking I'll say in a post someday that I found this waterfall and I remembered the contest theme.

This was close to the other one and I tried to climb up but Nathan kept sliding whenever I tried climbing up,

And this is the first waterfall, just I kept Nathan on top after climbing there. Trust me, I still didn't decide to join the contest as I thought maybe I wouldn't find any more waterfalls to talk about.

I found this part a moment later when we kept running around and I let Nathan refresh a little by taking a shower there.

Then I found this another waterfall just by an elevator that we noticed a moment ago. When Elena was looking for a way to go up, I stopped there to check out the waterfall.

Its another one that I found on my way while following the trail.

And then I found this big one when Elena was close to me so I kept both of them in the frame keeping Nathan just below the fall when he was mentioning its refreshing.

Elena went ahead of me with my help and I was going towards her through this risky and slipper way and that's when I noticed this fantastic frame.

I was close to Elena but I somehow fell and the waterfall were making me slide to death though I jumped and swinged using my rope after this point.

After feeling the beauty of another waterfall, I was jumping from one side to another when another waterfall was there to witness my jumps.

After fighting some shoreline mercenaries, we found this jeep of the enemy that Elena drove to get to me and after driving it for sometimes, I reached this side of the beautiful virtual world and after this point, I decided that I'll join the contest showing all these fantastic waterfalls.

There, I was driving the jeep through the deep water of the waterfalls. You can see there were more than one waterfalls and they were fascinating.

This scene fascinated me the most and I was really glad to find some beautiful views. I just stopped there to capture these photos and enjoy these beautiful scenes.

Then I drove the jeep through below the big waterfalls so both the characters gets drenched in there which is kind of force shower or something.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.


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