Cab driver for a day: A photographic tour of GTA IV - Photo challenge


Cover created in Photoshop with screenshots from the video game


Photo challenge

In video games, something I enjoy and like the most is travelling, but in these adventures what matters most is the means of transportation to move from one place to another.

That's why I've become a little more observant with those details that sometimes I don't pay attention to when I do a mission or virtual trip...

Of course, I invite you to participate in this unique weekly challenge in the gaming photography community!

- - Rides of Video Games - -

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For this challenge it is essential that I had a video game, with travel and above all transportation, so in Gta IV there are many vehicles that would serve me to create the perfect experience.

Maybe for most of you reading this post it's a familiar video game, but for me it's a brand new release on my PC, so it takes me a little while to get used to driving cars.

This photo proves that I am very bad at driving in this delivery XD

However, I did not give up in the process and once I finished the first missions, I set out to find an attractive means of transportation that would make me feel confident of reaching my destination...

And for that I decided to resort to the reliable and classic means of transportation that we all use on a daily basis, yes I mean the cabs that work in Liberty City.

A photograph before getting into my cab!

Now you will see that everything went differently than planned because... from the beginning I wanted to get into the cab and ask the driver to take me somewhere in the city, however, as I have never played this game, it turned out the opposite because instead of getting into the cab I started to take the driver out of his cab. I really thought for a moment that I could pay a cab to take me, maybe this function is only possible with a mod or something like that.

Here he was fighting a bit with the driver to get his cab!

Once I got the cab I was trying to drive around the map, exploring places and learning the driving style of the game. I dare say I find it a bit difficult, but this is due to the realism it has in terms of vehicles.


During the trip I ended up destroying a large part of the vehicle that the driver had “lent” me, so I waited a while for the sun to come up and looked for a new one. But this time I didn't want a ride to my destination, I wanted to become the chauffeur of the npc's that roam the sidewalks.

This driver “lent” me his car for a moment.

I thought this would be my last chance to make this type of transportation count, but I had bad news.... I couldn't alternate missions as a cab driver in the video game, now what had seemed simple at first was becoming a real challenge!

Since I was not achieving my goals, I decided to limit myself to driving like an aimless chauffeur.

Heading for nothing

However, just when I thought all was lost, I saw in the distance a girl who seemed to be gazing at the shore of the beach.

But I realized that I had not wasted my time at all, because thanks to this trip using this transport I have discovered how incredible the atmosphere of this city is and how its inhabitants, despite being npc, fill every corner with life.

Apparently this woman was looking for the same thing I was looking for to take a good photo with the camera, I wonder if those photos will also be for the Gaming Photography community?


I got back behind the wheel to see what other eye-catching experience I could find for myself...

A nice picture where the city bridge comes to life.

Apparently the npc's love to be alone on the shores of this beach, the interesting thing is that while driving this cab I came up with an idea to take a good picture.

So I approached Mr. npc who was standing looking at the horizon. I made an effect with the mouse to make the perspective from my car more creative and shot.

I will now explain the concept I wanted to convey through the photograph in the description of the photograph....

Although I have not been able to alternate missions as a cab driver, I wanted to connect my environment with my intentions, thus creating a scenario in which it seems that I am the driver of this transport and that this man has called me to come and pick him up, while from my window I watch him as he smokes a cigarette contemplating melancholically the sunset perhaps trying to forget his sorrows.

Saving a melancholy passenger with my transport

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By the way, before you go, it would be great if you could comment something, or if someone could explain me if it's possible to alternate missions as a cab driver xd, I know it sounds a bit weird, but it's my first time playing it (I refused to look for answers on the internet because I want to interact with you!)

I didn't get the process as I would have liked, but at the end of the day I got a cool and eye-catching ending for my photos.

Requirements to play:

OS: Windows 7 with Service Pack 1.
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo at 1.8 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 64 at 2.4 GHz
Memory: 1.5 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia 7900 with 256 MB / ATI X1900 with 256 MB
DirectX version: DirectX 9.0c
Hard Disk: 22 GB free space
Sound: 5.1 sound device

Translated with:

All images were captured in the video game.


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