20 Years Later in the Quarantine Zone.

I'd say the writer of this concept copied followed a special part from The Walking Dead. In The Walking Dead, Rick Grimes went into coma when the apocalypse began and he came out of coma when everything was gone. We, the viewers didn't get a chance to know what happened in between.

And in The Last of Us, we found Joel after 20 years since Sarah died with no information about how he and all other peoples survived till then.

So, it's 20 years later when Joel was in the Quarantine Zone and he just got up from sleep when someone was knocking on the door.

He went and opened the door and it was Tess who was knocking the door and she's kind of the partner of Joel for now. I'm saying for now cause I know what happened to her later, thanks to the tv series.

She looked messed up and she had bruises on her face. She went to West End District for some deals which went great but two a**holes tried to loot her so she had a fight and got those bruises.

Then Tess told Joel that some Robert sent those dudes after Tess and she said she knows where they're hiding so both of them left their apartment to find and teach this Robert a good lesson.

The soldiers who were in power of this past apocalypse city were announcing and suggesting all citizens to carry a current ID at all times and then I noticed a board on that building with curfew hours and street hours written on it.

Then I noticed some common peoples were outside the ration distribution center but ration line hasn't opened yet as they must be running low.

Tess was trying to show me where to go but I stopped there to see what those soldiers does if I get close to them.

I tried bumping one of them first and he pushed me with a warning and when I tried the next time, he pushed me again and shot me down this time. So yeah, they're strict.

Now I was moving forward following Tess and suddenly I noticed this area where some soldiers were guarding and some peoples in special suits were checking some common peoples.

They noticed a lady was infected so they did something to her and she died in front of everyone so the next man in line tried to run away being scared the he has been shot down.

After checking on those perspectives, I started following Tess to the border gate to pass through there and I noticed those tall and buildings outside that were collapsed and they looked cool.

We reached the gate and the guard was checking out ID's. When he was done checking, he permitted us to go on the other side but suddenly there was a huge blast and the gate got closed and we couldn't stay there anymore. Peoples were mentioning a group called Fireflies.

All common peoples inside were asked to get to their house immediately and I followed Tess in that building and after getting in, Tess gave me a bandage and asked me to patch up Joels hand as he got hurt a little from the explosion.

We'll check what happens next in another post.

Image Source: In game screenshots.

End of the post.

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