theHunter: Call of the Wild's pretty cloud landscapes

Hello everyone!!!

I hope you are well or are trying to be well. I still can't get rid of the fatigue in me, but I'm trying.

Today, I want to share with you some cloudscapes. Of course, this topic didn't come to me by revelation. You can check out this post about this beautiful community, but hurry, there is not much time left. And if you take a look at my profile, you can see that my favourite game is theHunter: Call of The Wild, and that's where I'll be looking for these beautiful cloud landscapes.

Although it's not as easy as hunting a Banteng, it was the view I've been chasing and patiently waiting for.



I was very happy when dear Nabi reminded me that I took these photos because I was looking for a place to brag about the harmony created by this sunset. Thank you again Nabi.


This map is Cuatro Colinas. It has beautiful terrain and is a beautiful visual feast. I remember it catching my eye when we were having a good time together.



Although the rest of it repeats itself a bit, I think it's okay to include at least these two. Hopefully I mean 😂

And today, I started off in the Emerald Coast, which was also a gift from Nabi. Every sunset and sunrise there is beautiful. I wanted to do something to match that. I walked around a bit.


But I also saw a wonderful view at the outpost before I started walking. Isn't the colour pretty? A little yellow, a little pink.


Don't the clouds look like they're going to gather and attack the sun at any moment? We even call this gathering tactic the crescent moon.

After the coast of Australia, I went to Hirschfelden. I thought a little German weather might be nice. While travelling by ATV, I also hunted animals that had difficulty in escaping because it was slow, but of course this is a different topic 😂😂😂


Honestly, this is my favourite of all the photos. The trees and the sky... Of course, the photo I put in the thumbnail is also very beautiful and majestic, but I like this one even more.



Of course, I would like to travel more on this map, which is quite cloudy, but my time on this computer is limited. So I came to Layton Lake, my third and last destination.


In Layton Lake things were a bit easier than I thought because there are enough mountains and it seems to me that it is always cloudy here.


It is possible to see these clouds even at night despite the darkness. That's why I'm happy. Also, while travelling here, I thought I should hang out here instead of Australia for a while. I guess it's okay to hunt some whitetails 😂


Finally, I chose a location that I thought would look good. I set the time accordingly and climbed, and I'm very glad I did.


It's really nice. I liked it so much that I mentioned to Nabi that I would like to see such a view outside the virtual world.

I want to add the last two because I really like the colours. If I don't show them to you, I'll always think, "I should have added these!"



Also, if you notice, there is a bird in the photo on the right that I barely caught. I am proud of it 😂😂😂

I'm done for today. See you at the next theHunter: Call of The Wild adventure. Take care of yourself, stay with health and love and please remember that;

You are the only one of you.


All media is screenshots or recordings from the game theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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