Waterfalls in Far Cry 5.

I see @gamingphoto announced the new contest theme which is Waterfalls and I'm playing Far Cry 5 where I see a lot of waterfalls around and I even shared some photos of some waterfalls before if I'm not wrong. Its time I join the contest showing some photos that I captured today following the theme.

I was in John's Region and right below the YES mountain but there was no waterfalls around me and it was night time. Then I checked the map and noticed this waterfalls close to where I was and after going there, I waited for the sun to rise so I could capture good photos in daylight and I did it.

When I was about to land above the waterfalls to check it out up close, there was this enemy chopper that started shooting my chopper and my chopper started giving me warnings. I landed the chopper fast and then I took down the enemy chopper using my machine gun and it fell in the waterfalls.

Then I tried to go inside the waterfalls to show I was getting drained there and it looked like my character was inside the waterfalls already. These scene looks good to me so I tried to capture photos from different angles.

I jumped below in the watershore to see how the wrecked chopper was holding up there and it looked cool when I came there and noticed the chopper was in the river of the waterfalls.

And there was this grapple point right beside the waterfalls attached to the rocks and I used this just to show how cool it looks that I can jump around holding that rope in front of the waterfalls.

Then I was flying the chopper towards Faith's Region noticing a big waterfalls in the map and then suddenly I noticed this small waterfalls on my way there and I noticed that all the waterfalls can't be seen or noticed from the map.

I landed there to capture some photos of this place and I found that bump there which I guess is to do stunt with jet ski and I might try it someday.

And after flying another chopper that I took from a chopper zone, I flew it to Faith's region and I reached the waterfalls that I was lookin for after noticing it in the map.

After landing the chopper there, I ran to the hanging bridge to see the waterfalls from above though it's not so clear from this angle. I've been in this waterfalls before but this time I came here especially for this contest.

Then I flew the chopper again and this time I landed it right above the waterfalls finding a dry rock there and then I stood there to check on the waterfalls from up close.

This is no waterfall but I capture this cool photo on my way to another waterfall. That's a civilian aircraft so I didn't take it down but I shot it 1-2 times just to slow it down to capture this photo.

I was going towards another Region to find more waterfalls after not noticing any more in Faith's Region and then I found this one on my way that looks like a big waterfall.

It's a twin waterfalls that starts with a small one from beside that hut and goes down broadly. There were some cults there whom I had to eliminate before landing there and I see I can look for some stash money at this place but maybe later sometimes.

There were some grapple points as well and I tried one of them and I tried jumping to show you how good I am with these things.

This is the last one that I'm showing and that I found today which looks like the biggest and thinnest waterfalls that I found in this session.

My chopper was in a very bad condition getting hit by some cults otherwise I might try showing more waterfalls. So, after landing the chopper there, I went close to the waterfalls.

I tried to take a shower in those clear waterfall water and then I changed my location to see the waterfall from a different angle.

Thanks for reading my post.

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