Stealth mission photographs from NINJA RYOKU.

Hello everyone

I hope you all are doing fine. This time we are going to accomplish a task in the Ninja ryoku through a stealth combat because this is what the weekly theme is all about. We have to share some good photographs where we are on a stealth mission. If you want to read more about the contest here you go.

Well, i searched a bit (tried to download assasin creed identity on my mobile phone but was unable to do so). So i found this ninja ryoku, it also looked good with some amazing views and had good graphics. So everything was suitable for this community, that's why i am here.

So, the story starts where RYOKU sets of on a journey to find her grandfather in a village where there were so many enemies and she can't fight them openly that's why she was on a stealth mission.

As she entered the main hall of village there was a guard standing there. As she found no way to hide from him, she fought straight with him and entered the village gallery.

Well, now she had to be careful about the guards and enemies roaming around. Thankfully there were no enemies in the gallery and finally she succeeded in entering the other hall of the village.

This time she had to be careful that's why she turned the whole way around and caught the guard from back. So that no other guard becomes alerted from the fight. She again entered into the gallery.

This time she actually found a guard standing in the guard and he looked like a tough one. But the good thing was that his back was on our side so that's why he was going to be an easy target... Just a single shot!

Well, finally she was out in the peaceful surface and it was time to capture some cool shots. There i saw a shrine type thing and i am not sure about it what it exactly was because when she passed near it, she slightly bend herself and showed respect towards it.

Well, again she was into the stealth mission and got another hunt in the next village because she was not able to find her grandfather in the previous village. Let's see how far this search will go...

Well, that's all from my side.

                 GOODLUCK AND BEST WISHES 👌 

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