Shauner's 23rd Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild - Dec. 27, 2021


Welcome to my 23rd #BrawlReport as part of the PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish guild!

I'm playing in Fray #3 this time, which is level 1 untamed cards only.


Congratulations to @amaillo-m for taking 1st place with 5 wins and 3 losses. @higherlow and @hykss also finished with 5 wins in this brawl. I placed 5th with 4 wins and 5 losses, a reflection of a very poor showing against some highly ranked guilds.

PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Results


Once again we faced off against some highly ranked guilds and we got pummeled down to 7th place. We earned 30 wins and 45 losses for a total of 90 points. What is interesting is that we were only 10 points away from making 5th place.

My Battles


Battle 1 - Loss

Back to Basics: Monsters lose all abilities.
Equalizer: The initial health of all monsters is equal to that of the monster on either team with the highest base health.

This opponent played the same Yodin summoner as I did but chose a range attack strategy using many lower mana cards. Because of the Equalizer buff, this was the right choice since their originally low health will be boosted considerably. I relied on the Magnor/Chimney which has served me well in the past, but against this much range firepower, I quickly fell.


Watch this battle.

Battle 2 - Win

Broken Arrows: Ranged attack monsters may not be used in battles.

With 17 mana as the cap, the Llama/Kron combo is still the go-to option here. This battle went down exactly the opposite of my first one and I quickly overpowered my opponent for the win.


Watch this battle.

Battle 3 - Win

Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Rise of the Commons: Only common and rare monsters may be used in battles.

My use of the Katrelba Gobson gladiator card in the back row really drove home the win here. I placed it in the last position to take advantage of the Last Stand ability from my Llama summoner in case she was the last card standing. It turned out the double strike ability took care of my opponents faster than they could take out the two cards in front of her.


Watch this battle.

Battle 4 - Loss

Back to Basics: Monsters lose all abilities.
Lost Magic: Monsters with magic attack may not be used in battles.

This was a relatively high mana battle and we both put out a full selection of cards and used the same first two monsters. My opponent used a -1 range summoner that hurt me a bit as I had two +2 range attack cards in play that were reduced to 1 range attack. I placed the gladiator card, Palidon Rakk, in the last position to hopefully take some time to build up power and then receive the Last Stand boost at the end.

Once again I was defeated easily by an opponent with 4-5 range monsters all throwing 2-4 damage at me each turn.


Watch this battle.

Battle 5 - Loss

Noxious Fumes: All monsters start the battle poisoned.
Lost Magic: Monsters with magic attack may not be used in battles.

I didn't have a more powerful summoner to play in this battle so we both ended up using a basic +1 health boost summoner. Additionally, we both played the same Shieldbearer tank. In trying to counteract my previous losses from range attack, I played a card that provided +2 armor but he was eliminated quickly. It also appears my opponent had a health regenerating card in play and that made it an easy win for them as it was able to counteract the poison damage. This is yet another quick loss for me.


Watch this battle.

Battle 6 - Win

Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.

I used the Yodin/Magnor/Chimney combo here and it was a very setup against my opponent. The blast attack from all three of my cards each turn was just too much for my opponent to handle.


Watch this battle

Unfortunately, I forgot to copy the battle links until the last minute and the screen reset for the next brawl signup before I could finish copying battles 7 through 9.

Final Thoughts

This was one of my worst brawl showings and really showed some powerful range setups by my opponents that I wasn't countering properly. These aren't typical setups I encounter in these Novice Untamed brawls and most of the time I rarely encounter more than the basic summoners. Obviously, since we went up against several top 100 guilds in this brawl, they came prepared and I didn't have good strategy against these more experienced opponents.

For my efforts in this brawl, I received 369 merits which puts me one more brawl away from buying my next Gladius case!

I'm sending some rewards to an opponent that defeated me in the form of Splinterlands Battle Tokens (SBT). Congrats to @dongreyy and enjoy your 500 SBT for kicking my ass!


If you receive SBT from someone, be sure to pay it forward and send some tokens to worthy adversaries that you have faced! If you'd like to learn more about SBT, check out this post from the creator, @itzninjafool: @itzninjafool/sbt-milestones-what-you-may-have-missed

1Up Project

If you haven't seen the news yet, check out the new 1UP project. This looks like a great new gaming project for Play2Earn blockchain games like Splinterlands! I seem to be getting around 100 OneUp tokens on each of these posts, so the earnings will add up over time!

What is the #BrawlReport?

@kennysgaminglife has spearheaded the #BrawlReport project as a way to get PIZZA guild members more engaged in the @Splinterlands community. Here's what he had to say:

Starting with the brawl that just ended, I've invited/asked members of the #HivePizza guild to publish a #BrawlReport, breaking down their highs & lows, where they need help, questions they have, strategies they love, and so on. The idea is to help us all reflect a bit, learn a bit, share a bit, earn a bit, and connect a bit :-)
Any other guilds interested in publishing a #BrawlReport, either as individuals, or one for the whole guild, I'm happy to send some curation love your way!

My last Brawl Report:

Check out the other recent #BrawlReport posts from the #HIVEPIZZA family:

@higherlow - Splinterlands Brawl Report - 12/25/2021 #HivePizza #BrawlReport

@amaillo - Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 GUILD 25/Dec/2021

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