RE: A Tale of Two Pizzas Weekly Winner(s) (Week 18)

Thanks so much, Dabs. This is truly a joy to write each week with you all! Long may all of our collaborations continue. Truly grateful for the PIZZA and SBI. I've started purchasing units for winners in my monthly contest too as part of the prizes. Is there a way to see one's holdings inclusive of those acquired through sponsoring others? re new peeps... I am hopeful that a few people who have seen our stories may come along and join us. I know @itsostylish seemed keen in the comments. Come on you know you want to come and join in @itsostylish! 😉💖 And some are hopeful to see a summary post too so that they can have a chance at joining in ... and maybe we can get @jesustiano back if he is getting any sleep these days hehe

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