Pizza kings scholarship harvest week #21

  Hello everyone! Here is the last harvest of this new season at the Pizza guild scholarship. This was the weakest harvest of harvests ever. No seed was airdropped and the yields were mostly around 183 buds. Hopefully, for the next season, we get better yields. Now it is time to stop and thing about the future of the game, and see what nice new updates it will bring for us. Here are the stats of my South America plots from the guild:

  The stash grows! The fields are tended! From a total of 2,810 buds, 70% of these gains go straight into my pocket! The yield was reduced 640 buds from the last harvest. Dues were sent to the guild, and now the farm will stop a bit waiting for the new land delegations, thanks for those followed my performance.

  I guess most of these buds will be sent to the staking. See you soon. So I guess it is enough for now. Don't forget to check the Hive PIZZA server on Discord! Lots of giveaways and cool people to talk with about multiple subjects, from market topics, to music, games, and writing. Don't forget about the yummy talks about pizzas from all around the world, I will be frank that is the better part. Don't forget that every 14th of the month is Pizza Power Up Day. I have just got my helmet finally! Now I can eat more daily pizzas.

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