Pizza kings scholarship harvest week #20

  Hello everyone! So we are back for the second harvest of the season! Life has been busy, but I am still allowed to plant and harvest on time. Everything went with no problems, I am just very busy to send my avatars to raids. I have already planted again and the 3rd harvest of the season will be on next Saturday. While waiting for the new harvest, I will try to relax more and see if I can smoke a bit of the buds that are on my farm and send my avatars more to raids. I saw that the members of the Pizza Guild are also very excited with coming back and I read nice reports during the last week. During the harvest, I received six seeds, a record, which will help to raise a bit the yield of the week: 1 Panama Red, with a yield of 255, and 5 Colombia Gold (288, 276, 284, 263, 250 yields). Here are the stats of my South America plots from the guild:

  The stash grows! The fields are tended! From a total of 3,414 buds, 70% of these gains go straight into my pocket! The yield had a reduction of 265 buds from the first harvest. Let's see how it goes the next one with the new seeds that were airdropped. I am going to roll some joints for the avatar to celebrate this new harvest

  I guess most of these buds will be sent to the staking. See you next week. So I guess it is enough for now. Don't forget to check the Hive PIZZA server on Discord! Lots of giveaways and cool people to talk with about multiple subjects, from market topics, to music, games, and writing. Don't forget about the yummy talks about pizzas from all around the world, I will be frank that is the better part. Don't forget that every 14th of the month is Pizza Power Up Day and in the next one I intend to reach 5,000 PIZZA and get my well-deserved helmet.


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