Celtic Fire - A Beltane Homage

Hello beautiful people of 3Speak! Today I bring to you an old performance, ut one that has a special place in my heart! It was presented during an Ayahuasca ritual and it was the first time I was firedancing with my students! So it really was a special moment for me!


Not so long ago I used to live in an Ayahuasa temple, and we used to do may rituals in different energies: Brazilian natives, Gypsies, Egyptian, Nordic, White Brotherhood, Moon, among others, but one of my favorites was the Celtic energy.

I've always been attracted to the Celtic culture. The clothes, the jewelry, the music. Maybe because of my RPG background this culture of fantasy world got to me fast and I started studying about it as much as I could. When I heard that we would have a Celtic ritual during the time of Beltane (The Celtic fire festival) , I decided to do something special!

At that time I was already firedancing for many years, and some friends from the temple wanted me to teach them. So I started some small practices here and there when we had time, and little by little they were getting better to the point where we could light the staff on fire. You ALWAYS need to practice a lot before you can light up the staff, but I felt that the were ready, and I invited them to do this performance with me.

But just firedancing was not enough, I needed more! So I built a flammable Triquetra (Trinity Knot) to be out background and it would burn as we perform. The triqueta is one of the triad symbols from Celtic culture, and can represent many sacred trinity: The 3 faces of the goddess (maiden, mother, crone), the 3 elements (earth, fire, water), the 3 cradles of life (Earth, Sea, Sky). I think this was the perfect symbol for the ritual we were going to have.

During the ritual we use a lot of music, and the one chose to this performance was Ghostwood by Lothlorien. Although I don't have the rights to this song, I couldn't get myself to use any other song in this video, I just overlapped with the studio version because in the ritual many people are clapping and talking ("wow, they are so good!", "this is amazing!" you get the ideia) that I felt it would be better to have just the song, and because the performance was thought with this song, I don't think any other would fit.


So, I hope you guys like this video, it was made with a lot of love and fire!

And don't forget to check out the Hive Pizza Website, one of the best project and people in hive! A drama free group for gamers, streamers and many hive tools to play with! Join us at Discord!!!

Thanks for waching!
Keep posting and keep shining!



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