The Walls of Berlin - Face in the Windows [CCC's Street Art Contest #150]

Sometimes it is not the walls of the city that carry the murals, but precisely those holes missing from them, we call windows, which allow us to look through them. But occasionally even the windows want to be closed, with rolling shutters, which are quite common here in Germany. And then, they offer another neat surface to paint, and make them look artsy.


On this house, located on the corner of Kreuzstraße and Wilhelm Kuhr Straße in the Berlin district of Pankow, this is precisely what has happened. The shutters of the front door and windows are painted with kids' faces, as they are making faces... something they are likely to do when you ask them to pose for pictures.




Unfortunately this piece of art has been tagged over quite a bit, so it was pretty hard to find the actual tag of the artist, if at all present. Also, I am not sure of the function of the place, or if it opens its shutter at any time, if at all. So far it's been the kids' faces that I've seen here, every time I pass by.

This post is my entry to this week's CCC's Street Art Contest. For more cool murals in Berlin, visit my Walls of Berlin post collection.

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