Mexican Murals - Stylish Iguana in Pochutla [CCC's Street Art Contest #35]

My time on the Oaxacan coast has come to an end... at least for now. Usually the point of arrival to and departure from Mazunte is the dusty little town of San Pedro de Pochutla. This time, however, I flew in and out of Huatulco, so I didn't have to wait at the well known bus terminal of Pochutla, where I discovered this cool Iguana Mural. That was a few days before, when we said good-bye to a volunteer who had become a good friend of ours. In any case, I thought it would be a good post for this week's CCC Street Art Contest # 35.


Crazy Colors and a Cool Shirt

There are quite a few iguanas to be found all around Mazunte, Pochutla, and the general region. Their colors range from bright green to black with white spots, as well as the earthy brown tones. But something like this: black and yellow with a bright red head, I have never come across. Though I'm not saying they don't exist.

What strikes me as something more unusual, is the black shirt this lovely specimen is wearing. It seems to be embroidered with traditional patterns, which gives him a very chilled look.


The mural was obviously sponsored by the local Rotary Club, and the artist behind this work can be identified by his tag: Alex Yopra. Though I couldn't find a website of his own, or even a social media site, he seems to be well represented around the area, from Akumal to Zipolite. - Update: It was @heroldius who found the online presence of this muralist. Thank you, much appreciated!

If you liked this, check out my developing series on Mexican murals:

Winston Churchil and the Bike Movement
The Beauty of Death and the Struggle of Life
Different Types of Wall Painting
Political Expression, The Painting is on the Wall
A Familiar Face
Chilakillers: Murals, Chilaquiles, and More
Under Metro Line 4
Respected and Less Respected Paintings
Murals of the Barrio in Aguascalientes
Murals Under Periferico
A Cartoon With A Public Health Message
A Warrior Princess in Mazunte
New Images Covering Old Ones
Get to Know Your Local Cacti
A Mural for a Movie
Commercial Murals for Small Businesses
Not Much New in Almost a Year
Feminist Art on a Blue-Collar Business
High Above the City
Laboratory Work on the Cocoa
Elite Warriors in the Parque México
A Journey Through Rock-and-Roll, Contest Winners
Playing With Bugs on the Rooftop
La Familia Burrón in the Center
Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Central
New Stairs Art in my Neighborhood
Painted Garage Doors
The Children of the Feathered Serpent
Four Sides to a Water Box
Skate On Forever
A Healing Mermaid Under Mexican Skies
Axolotl in the Parque Lira
Axolotls Wherever You Look
The Rapidly Changing Wall of the Casa Picnic
Illuminated Illumination
Tlaloc in His Element
Aztec Legends in Metro Tacubaya
All Your Favorite Mexican Motives
Worsening Situation for Women
The Kiss of Death
Honoring the Departed
The Flower of Life in a Face
A Less Appreciated Wall Painting
Funky Graphics in the Condesa
When Big Red Lips Start Growing on You
New Pictures on Old Walls
A Beast With a Mesmerizing Look
Beautiful Animals in the Roma
Horrific Animals in the Roma
A Poetic Message About Tremors
Sesame Street the Mexican Way (güey)
The Turtle Center in Mazunte
B-Side Murals in Mazunte
Beautiful Art in La Boquilla
Return of the (Pinche) Chinche
A Crow, A Fly, And A Shaded Barbarossa
More Exploding Hearts in Mazunte
A Frida Kahlo Mermaid
A Small Glimpse of Zipolite
One More Mural from Mazunte
Localvore Message at La Esperanza Store
Welcome to the New Normal
Frida Kahlo's Mask Adivsory
The Sacred Condiments
Love, Death, and Some Very Diverse Characters
A Flaming Child
Predator and Prey
Changing Murals on the Facade of the INBA
A Lonely Wall With a Lovely Face
Reclining in Tacubaya
Insect People in Cuauthémoc
More Insect People in Cuauthémoc
Lions on Regina
Three Cool Cats
Simple Beauty on the Corner
Something Decent on the Casa Picnic
A Lovely Vista of Chapultepec Castle
Fantastic Critters in Jardín Balbuena
A Corner To Look At
Amazing Prehispanic Art in Daniel Garza, Part 1
Amazing Prehispanic Art in Daniel Garza, Part 2
Chinese Dragon in Mazunte
Doctor Turtle, One of the Oldest Murals in Mazunte

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