A Bat, a Rooster, and a Weird Dog [CCC's Street Art Contest #111]

Almost a year ago I noticed a new mural in one of the side streets close to where I live in Mexico City. It started out as some kind of lettering, not as abstract as graffiti tags tend to be, but highly creative while remaining legible. That wall painting I found was already worth posting about. Not much later a new image appeared adjacent to the lettering. This one I liked even more, as I could look at the stories in Mexican mythology behind the picture. And now... there is yet another continuation.

Impressive Creatures

To the right of the image of what I believe is supposed to be the deity Tezcatlipoca, a mural of a huge pink bat appeared. Its formidable look is only dampened by the car parked right in front of it. First I thought I should come back when the parking space is not occupied, but after several attempts I gave up on it.


Further to the right a massive rooster raises his red head. Though his comb is not as big as it could be, the fierce look in his eye certainly makes up for it. The other thing I like about this mural, is what I suppose is the artist's tag in the yellow circle above the image. It looks well recognizable to anyone familiar with them, though for everyone else it remains a mystery.


Finally, moving further right, the next mural is a dog, or so I would suppose, for the lack of any better idea. Because even for a dog it looks pretty strange. Its face is mosaic like, and appears to have some components... of a human skull! As weird as this image looks, it is the one that makes me want to spend the most time looking at. The artist's tag is Star 27.


While these three images are completely separate from each other, and were even created by different artists, their side-by-side location made me want to feature them together in a post. However, I also want to use this post as my submission to this week's CCC Street Art Contest, for which I may not qualify this time, combining three distinct images. If that's the case, so may it be. After all, I have won before in that weekly contest, so let me at least spread the word, so maybe you can have a chance at winning too. It's definitely worth submitting a post about street art! And just in case that I qualify, here are two shots where you can see two of the three animals each:



If you are interested in seeing more cool local murals, check out my ever growing series Mexican Murals.

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