CCC's street art cont3st #197 a ticket

Hello art hunters, I found this piece at the train station, it's not that it stands out for its surprising design but I wanted to bring it to you because when I saw it, I had a kind of flashback to the old days when tickets were made of paper.
For example, this indicates that the ticket is round trip, it cost a little more but you could travel all day if you didn't get hit twice.
I also remembered that I used to save the tickets from the days when I talked to my "crush" of the moment or wrote down phone numbers and addresses that I later didn't remember who they were from haha.
Today we live in another reality, it is neither better nor worse, it is different, the changes are so subtle that they do not take on a true dimension until we rise from the map and see the whole combo from another angle.
It took me absolutely by surprise and a flood of memories was unlocked in my memory.

Below is another image of the same station that I found very beautiful. Good week!!

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