One Name to Rule the Wall - For CCC's Street Art Contest #209



You know how you can walk the same route a hundred times and still find something that surprises you? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me on my morning walk around the Mierendorffinsel the other day. I was strolling along one of my usual paths, the one that takes me by the “Wall of Fame” at Lise-Meitner-Strasse, a legal graffiti wall where local artists showcase their work. Normally, this wall is a vibrant, chaotic mix of different styles and signatures. Every time I pass by, it’s like getting a mini art exhibit for free. The other day things were different. The entire wall was dominated by a single name: “Phers.” Every inch of the wall was covered with his work. I mean, I’ve seen this wall change countless times, but I’ve never seen one artist take over the whole thing like this before.

Now, I’m no graffiti expert, but I’ve picked up a thing or two from chatting with the artists I sometimes meet there. On a different day, I had a conversation with one of the regulars who told me that Phers is kind of a big deal in the graffiti world here. Apparently, when he decides to paint, everyone else steps back.

Since this was such a unique sight, I decided to document it. I started with a panoramic shot to capture the entire wall.

Click the photo for a bigger view! 👆🏽

Then, I took closer shots of each of the 12 individual pieces, moving from left to right along the wall. Each piece has its own flavor, its own energy, its own style. Check out the first on the left …

I’m curious to know what you think. Enjoy the pieces and let me know in the comments which ones are your favorites.

Whether you’re a graffiti enthusiast or just someone who enjoys stumbling upon unexpected art, I think you’ll find something to appreciate here.

There’s something about seeing art like this, out in the open, that feels different from walking through a gallery.

It’s raw, unfiltered, and full of personality.

And while not every piece that goes up on this wall is a masterpiece, the ones that stand out make it all worthwhile.

Today, Phers’ work stood out in a big way.

So check out the shots, and let’s talk about them. Who knows, maybe you’ll spot something I missed.

Next time you’re walking your usual route, keep your eyes open, you never know when you’ll stumble across something extraordinary.

A tipp: Sometimes the unexpected just waits around one corner you never dared to look around, try your corners next time!

Yes, all of them are writings of the same name: Phers.

Admittedly, I didn't realize it until looking at the fourth or fifth piece that this was all created by one and the same writer.

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